Géarthnuns - The Thread

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Lao Kou
Posts: 5089
Joined: 25 Nov 2012 10:39
Location: 蘇州/苏州

Re: Géarthnuns - The Thread

Post by Lao Kou »

Chí Avíathezhdöls - The Impersonal

Chü Tubílíbdönöks - Formation

To form the impersonal, the locative -v of the nominal declensions is affixed to the shléts:


la glozh - eats, is eating, does eat
lav glozh - one eats, one is eating, one does eat

la gdez - throws, is throwing, does throw
lav gdez - one throws, one is throwing, one does throw

la inth - reads aloud, is reading aloud, does read aloud
lav inth - one reads aloud, one is reading aloud, one does read aloud

With the three tenses, seven voices, and seven moods introduced thus far, the verb paradigm now looks like this:


Code: Select all

                 Present	    Past         Future		     
Active           la gamez      lé gamez	  lí gamez     			    
Passive          lat gamez     lét gamez    lít gamez
Dative Passive   lak gamez     lék gamez    lík gamez
Causative        lan gamez     lén gamez    lín gamez
Caus. Passive    lab gamez     léb gamez    líb gamez
Reflexive        las gamez     lés gamez    lís gamez
Impersonal       lav gamez     lév gamez    lív gamez

Code: Select all

                 Present	    Past          Future		     
Active           la högamez    lé högamez    lí högamez	       			    
Passive          lat högamez   lét högamez   lít högamez 
Dative Passive   lak högamez   lék högamez   lík högamez
Causative        lan högamez   lén högamez   lín högamez 
Caus. Passive    lab högamez   léb högamez   líb högamez
Reflexive        las högamez   lés högamez   lís högamez
Impersonal       lav högamez   lév högamez   lív högamez

Code: Select all

                 Present	     Past           Future		     
Active           la haugamez    lé haugamez    lí haugamez	       			    
Passive          lat haugamez   lét haugamez   lít haugamez 
Dative Passive   lak haugamez   lék haugamez   lík haugamez
Causative        lan haugamez   lén haugamez   lín haugamez
Caus. Passive    lab haugamez   léb haugamez   líb haugamez
Reflexive        las haugamez   lés haugamez   lís haugamez
Impersonal       lav haugamez   lév haugamez   lív haugamez

Code: Select all

                 Present	     Past           Future		     
Active           la hegamez     lé hegamez     lí hegamez	       			    
Passive          lat hegamez    lét hegamez    lít hegamez 
Dative Passive   lak hegamez    lék hegamez    lík hegamez
Causative        lan hegamez    lén hegamez    lín hegamez 
Caus. Passive    lab hegamez    léb hegamez    líb hegamez
Reflexive        las hegamez    lés hegamez    lís hegamez
Impersonal       lav hegamez    lév hegamez    lív hegamez

Code: Select all

                 Present	     Past           Future		     
Active           la hügamez     lé hügamez     lí hügamez	       			    
Passive          lat hügamez    lét hügamez    lít hügamez 
Dative Passive   lak hügamez    lék hügamez    lík hügamez
Causative        lan hügamez    lén hügamez    lín hügamez 
Caus. Passive    lab hügamez    léb hügamez    líb hügamez
Reflexive        las hügamez    lés hügamez    lís hügamez
Impersonal       lav hügamez    lév hügamez    lív hügamez

Code: Select all

                 Present	     Past           Future		     
Active           la höigamez    lé höigamez    lí höigamez	       			    
Passive          lat höigamez   lét höigamez   lít höigamez 
Dative Passive   lak höigamez   lék höigamez   lík höigamez
Causative        lan höigamez   lén höigamez   lín höigamez
Caus. Passive    lab höigamez   léb höigamez   líb höigamez
Reflexive        las höigamez   lés höigamez   lís höigamez
Impersonal       lav höigamez   lév höigamez   lív höigamez

Code: Select all

                 Present	    Past          Future		     
Active           la gaméaz     lé gaméaz	  lí gaméaz     			    
Passive          lat gaméaz    lét gaméaz    lít gaméaz
Dative Passive   lak gaméaz    lék gaméaz    lík gaméaz
Causative        lan gaméaz    lén gaméaz    lín gaméaz
Caus. Passive    lab gaméaz    léb gaméaz    líb gaméaz
Reflexive        las gaméaz    lés gaméaz    lís gaméaz
Impersonal       lav gaméaz    lév gaméaz    lív gaméaz
Chí Felhakfals Che Fpaukithses, Sethets Chöi - The Seventh Declension Pronoun Seth

1) In the modern language, as one might expect, the pronoun "seth" agrees with any fpaukiths antecedent:

A: Öçek la, gü che Kföths lé cha hereçkethlünsav cher'ha höisörhath sho, hösferül?
A: Do you know where the Pope was visiting last week?

U: Sí la, gü seth lé Filidelfíasarsauv haumal sho, övaz.
U: I think he was in Philadelphia.

Matíaths lé, gü seth la sít höisöl sho, ngamath, de fí la feget auth.
Matthew said he loves me, but I don't believe him.

Che galanshuths la wuzhdöth rhöseu haunöi sho, fenfe la feget ba glozh hedaikh.
If the bacon is too salty, you don't have to eat it.

2) However, its origins in the omnial gender and, consequently, its use as a referent to "celestial things" led to its becoming the default pronoun in weather expressions:

Seth la mözh.
It's sunny.

Seth la fun.
It's raining.

Seth la knön.
It's snowing.

Seth la ézhgin.
It's drizzling.

Seth la ötengüdhaun.
It's warm.

Seth la ésüköth.
It's hailing.

One leaves it to the gentle reader to decide whether "seth" is a dummy subject in these contexts, a genuine referent to a tacit fpaukiths antecedent, like "gdonöths" (weather) or "auths" (cosmos), or a cocktail of both.

3) Its origins in the omnial gender, used to indicate referents of unknown or mixed gender(s), also led "seth" to be used as an impersonal pronoun. The verb in the impersonal voice disambiguates this usage from usage 1) above, and to a limited extent, usage 2).

Chü Hínabdönöks - Usage

1) With the impersonal voice, "seth" is analogous with pronouns like German "man", French "on", or English "one":

Man muß die Geschichte kennen.
Seth lav chö fadülobsöt ba umpeth daikh.
One should know history.

On ne sait jamais.
Feg lav bzéngöi sferül.
One never knows.

Like its continental European counterparts, impersonal "seth" is used more often and in less formal contexts than "one" in English, where it may also be translated as impersonal "they" or "you":

Seth lav, gü seth lí che helkedalthsev höifun sho, ngamath.
They say it's going to rain tomorrow.

Sa kízangínsav zvakíalenav, seth lav sü mníaksüt sak etrönsaf bésenaf se dalthseb abo ba frozh daikh.
In a healthy lifestyle, you should drink eight glasses of water daily.

2) In addition to impersonal "seth", other impersonal/indefinite pronouns are also used with verbs in the impersonal voice:

shahöcheths - someone, somebody / anyone, anybody
shahöchens - something / anything
shahövegs - no one, nobody
shahöveps - nothing
híauíalörs - everyone, everybody
híaufans - everything
fanfuröths - each and every one/person
tsovíeths, gníeths - whoever, he/they/those who
tsobíbs - whatever, that which

Shahöchethsv öçket cha hengesegensav ba audruz thauth.
Someone came to see you this morning.

Shahöchens lav naiata'u dvétekh.
Something is banging outside.

Shahövegs lav vü Mfögéçadsüt Éspaníolatöidüt ailaf!
Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!

Vau föltölömsauv, shahöveps lav zçalíkfoshköp íe fö mvakhsöb tengüdhaukhöb íe va papöteraltepsas fö sthökhsön nöi.
When you have a cold, nothing is better than a nice bowl of chicken soup.

Shtanö Kateríns lé chö sospobsöt tloraznalöböt fergönen sho, híauíalörsv fan argnöz kfö ngkoséf.
When Katherine scored the winning goal, everyone stood up and cheered.

Sau ars mnözçer tabezhör! Híaufans lav techetneken mníéí mva hönöi?
What a nice wedding! Isn't everything lovely?

Cha shebseuthrönsav, fanfuröthsv chö béöbsöv vöcha'u mal.
At curfew, each and every person was safely in their home.

Tsovíeths lav sö ngarebsöt shfé jurushal sho, seth lav sa abashunsat vgénat augzébezh.
He who keeps a dog well has a faithful companion.

Tsobíkhs lav pantalach nggavökh sho, söb lav makhlamach höi rakusöthep íe ban nöi hökh.
That which/What does not kill us makes us stronger.

N.B.: With "tsovíeths" and "tsobíbs", the sentence patterns are "They who..., they..." and "That which..., it...", with the second clause headed by impersonal "seth" for "tsovíeths" and impersonal "söb" for "tsobíbs". If a regular third person pronoun other than "seth" takes the impersonal voice, it is due antecedent-referent concordance.

Tsovíeths lav sö ngarebsöt shfé jurushal sho, seth lav sa abashunsat vgénat augzébezh.
They who keep a dog well, they have a faithful companion.

tsobíbs - söb:

Tsobíkhs lav pantalach nggavökh sho, söb lav makhlamach höi rakusöthep íe ban nöi hökh.
That which does not kill us, it makes us stronger.

shahöchens - san

Shahöchens lav che çülenstörmfailöthsev mal, kfö san lav pamuf.
There's something in the picnic basket, and it's moving.

híauíalörs - saur

Híauíalörsv helkeveçö fan haudravnath sho, saurv önchaur íarpané fan ölzdenü hevanöi.
If everybody did that, they'd soon be poor.

3) The interrogative pronouns "cheths" (who) and "chens" (what) (see here) also take the impersonal voice:

Chethsv chau dhvénarsauv höthauth?
Who's coming to the party?

Chens lav cha alüshtülans Géarthtörsaus hönöi?
What's the capital of Géarthtörs?

4) The impersonal voice of the verb is used only when the impersonal or interrogative pronouns are in the nominative case:

Shahöcheths lav hömal?
Is anybody here?


Fí la shahövegset tel.
I don't see anybody.

Fenfe la shahövegsek vük hüdsüch hengedüch hügamez.
Don't give these keys to anyone.

Híauíalörs lav chö mvabsöt fan ba fautail zçeth.
Everybody seems to like the soup.


Fenfe lí híauíalömsaut fan ba ftotin kalokh.
You won't be able to please everybody.

Arons lé híauíalörsauk fan íaugavel.
Aaron told everybody.

Cheths lav cha gerauhöilkansat hökaul?
Who's knocking at the front door?


Öçek lé chethsek höhiçmöl?
Who were you talking to on the phone?

Chensv hömnaizekh?
What happened?


Makhlama lí chensat hövangketh?
What are we having for dinner?

Sak Flaivonapwerinsap Sfönap - Other Example Sentences

Zhdanis seth lív sí kfedhölsít saurauv hauzbíauf sho, chau zdörs henger lí aukhbrelü shfé hechafaz.
even.if 3SG-NOM AUX.FUT.IMPERS INDEF rock-ACC 3SG-LOC drop-SPEC PTCL, DEF rock-NOM this-NOM AUX.FUT still-ADV well-ADV cut-CONCL
Even if you drop a rock on it, this knife still cuts well.

Rheth las, gü híaufans lív mníéí höidnef sho, spanga'u ngamath.
3PL-NOM AUX.PRES.REFL, CONJ everything-NOM AUX.FUT.IMPERS all-ADV go.well-DISC PTCL, each.other-ADV tell
They're telling each other that everything will be fine.

Fanfuröths lav sethníe híau haumahun, cha shtülans ersfanen la örhön híau henöi.
each.and.every.person-NOM AUX.PRES.IMPERS oneself-ADV all-ADV sweep.in.front.of.the.door-SPEC, DEF city-NOM entire-NOM AUX.PRES clean-NOM all-ADV be-CONCL
When each and every person sweeps in front of one’s own door, the entire city is clean.

It rains

Weather and other natural phenomena

On manga men having big baskets

Someone in the house next to ours started singing

On tasting like bergamot

Lexember 28, 2014

Who runs faster than me?

Sentence 224 of the Snowball Game

Hengegíau chau radzöntölörsauv sík shajinhakfalíshevílsíng toulíng, ezhdölsíng zhöshelíng, zhö sauk shajinhakfalíchorsaung zhösheraung, chöi shajinhakfalíeskanets la gaiçö hengeveçö hepsönöi:


Code: Select all

                 Ashevíls	   Éshevíls     Íshevíls		     
Moküthezhdöls    la gamez      lé gamez	  lí gamez     			    
Shövönezhdöls    lat gamez     lét gamez    lít gamez
Gamezhdöls       lak gamez     lék gamez    lík gamez
Çédezhdöls       lan gamez     lén gamez    lín gamez
Babezhdöls       lab gamez     léb gamez    líb gamez
Semezhdöls       las gamez     lés gamez    lís gamez
Avíathezhdöls    lav gamez     lév gamez    lív gamez

Code: Select all

                 Ashevíls	   Éshevíls      Íshevíls		     
Moküthezhdöls    la högamez    lé högamez    lí högamez	       			    
Shövönezhdöls    lat högamez   lét högamez   lít högamez 
Gamezhdöls       lak högamez   lék högamez   lík högamez
Çédezhdöls       lan högamez   lén högamez   lín högamez
Babezhdöls       lab högamez   léb högamez   líb högamez
Semezhdöls       las högamez   lés högamez   lís högamez
Avíathezhdöls    lav högamez   lév högamez   lív högamez

Code: Select all

                 Ashevíls	    Éshevíls       Íshevíls		     
Moküthezhdöls    la haugamez    lé haugamez    lí haugamez	       			    
Shövönezhdöls    lat haugamez   lét haugamez   lít haugamez 
Gamezhdöls       lak haugamez   lék haugamez   lík haugamez
Çédezhdöls       lan haugamez   lén haugamez   lín haugamez
Babezhdöls       lab haugamez   léb haugamez   líb haugamez
Semezhdöls       las haugamez   lés haugamez   lís haugamez
Avíathezhdöls    lav haugamez   lév haugamez   lív haugamez

Code: Select all

                 Ashevíls	    Éshevíls       Íshevíls		     
Moküthezhdöls    la hegamez     lé hegamez     lí hegamez	       			    
Shövönezhdöls    lat hegamez    lét hegamez    lít hegamez
Gamezhdöls       lak hegamez    lék hegamez    lík hegamez
Çédezhdöls       lan hegamez    lén hegamez    lín hegamez
Babezhdöls       lab hegamez    léb hegamez    líb hegamez
Semezhdöls       las hegamez    lés hegamez    lís hegamez
Avíathezhdöls    lav hegamez    lév hegamez    lív hegamez

Code: Select all

                 Ashevíls	    Éshevíls       Íshevíls		     
Moküthezhdöls    la hügamez     lé hügamez     lí hügamez	       			    
Shövönezhdöls    lat hügamez    lét hügamez    lít hügamez
Gamezhdöls       lak hügamez    lék hügamez    lík hügamez
Çédezhdöls       lan hügamez    lén hügamez    lín hügamez
Babezhdöls       lab hügamez    léb hügamez    líb hügamez
Semezhdöls       las hügamez    lés hügamez    lís hügamez
Avíathezhdöls    lav hügamez    lév hügamez    lív hügamez

Code: Select all

                 Ashevíls	    Éshevíls       Íshevíls		     
Moküthezhdöls    la höigamez    lé höigamez    lí höigamez	       			    
Shövönezhdöls    lat höigamez   lét höigamez   lít höigamez 
Gamezhdöls       lak höigamez   lék höigamez   lík höigamez
Çédezhdöls       lan höigamez   lén höigamez   lín höigamez
Babezhdöls       lab höigamez   léb höigamez   líb höigamez
Semezhdöls       las höigamez   lés höigamez   lís höigamez
Avíathezhdöls    lav höigamez   lév höigamez   lív höigamez

Code: Select all

                 Ashevíls	   Éshevíls     Íshevíls		     
Moküthezhdöls    la gaméaz     lé gaméaz	 lí gaméaz     			    
Shövönezhdöls    lat gaméaz    lét gaméaz   lít gaméaz
Gamezhdöls       lak gaméaz    lék gaméaz   lík gaméaz
Çédezhdöls       lan gaméaz    lén gaméaz   lín gaméaz
Babezhdöls       lab gaméaz    léb gaméaz   líb gaméaz
Semezhdöls       las gaméaz    lés gaméaz   lís gaméaz
Avíathezhdöls    lav gaméaz    lév gaméaz   lív gaméaz
Last edited by Lao Kou on 30 Oct 2015 14:11, edited 1 time in total.
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Lao Kou
Posts: 5089
Joined: 25 Nov 2012 10:39
Location: 蘇州/苏州

Re: Géarthnuns - The Thread

Post by Lao Kou »

Chík Felhakfalsíp zhö Chak Stíapwerinsap Jörhölalöthep - Relative Pronouns and Clauses

Chü Tubílíbdönöks - Formation

Like singular third person pronouns, each declension has a relative pronoun which corresponds to it, both in the affirmative and negative. The nominative affirmative pronouns are formed by taking the letter chem, adding the appropriate pténíörs -- as with the singular affirmative definite article -- and further adding the thematic letter of the appropriate affirmative föths without its final "s". In the negative, pronouns are formed by taking the letter vöi, adding the appropriate pténíörs -- as with the singular negative definite article -- and further adding the thematic letter of the appropriate negative föths without its final "s". Inflection involves adding the appropriate pténíörs and a case ending.

Unlike third person pronouns, the relative pronouns do not have distinct dual, plural, and septimal forms; the nominative singular remains the base form throughout the declensions, inflected with the appropriate dual, plaural, and septimal endings.

Singular Forms:

Code: Select all

                Tfömebs	       Shövars		       Spéngets	          Gwílöns         Ndöineks        Nrels           Fpaukiths
                Aff./Neg.        Aff./Neg.           Aff./Neg.            Aff./Neg.       Aff./Neg.       Aff./Neg.       Aff./Neg.
Nominative      chöb/vökh        chaur/vaum	       chöit/vöidh 	      chan/vap        chük/vüd        chíl/víf        cheth/veg			    
Accusative      chöböt/vökhöt    chauraut/vaumaut    chöitöit/vöidhöit 	chanat/vapat    chüküt/vüdüt    chílít/vífít    chethet/veget   
Dative          chöbök/vökhök    chaurauk/vaumauk	 chöitöik/vöidhöik 	chanak/vapak    chükük/vüdük    chílík/vífík    chethek/vegek
Instrumental    chöbön/vökhön    chauraun/vaumaun	 chöitöin/vöidhöin 	chanan/vapan    chükün/vüdün    chílín/vífín    chethen/vegen
Postpositional  chöböb/vökhöb    chauraub/vaumaub	 chöitöib/vöidhöib 	chanab/vapab    chüküb/vüdüb    chílíb/vífíb    chetheb/vegeb
Genitive        chöbös/vökhös    chauraus/vaumaus	 chöitöis/vöidhöis 	chanas/vapas    chüküs/vüdüs    chílís/vífís    chethes/veges
Locative        chöböv/vökhöv    chaurauv/vaumauv	 chöitöiv/vöidhöiv 	chanav/vapav    chüküv/vüdüv    chílív/vífív    chethev/vegev
Dual Forms:

Code: Select all

                Tfömebs	        Shövars		        Spéngets	           Gwílöns          Ndöineks         Nrels            Fpaukiths
                Aff./Neg.         Aff./Neg.            Aff./Neg.             Aff./Neg.        Aff./Neg.        Aff./Neg.        Aff./Neg.
Nominative      chöbözh/vökhözh   chaurauzh/vaumauzh	chöitöizh/vöidhöizh   chanazh/vapazh   chüküzh/vüdüzh   chílízh/vífízh   chethezh/vegezh			    
Accusative      chöböm/vökhöm     chauraum/vaumaum	  chöitöim/vöidhöim     chanam/vapam     chüküm/vüdüm     chílím/vífím     chethem/vegem   
Dative          chöböz/vökhöz     chaurauz/vaumauz	  chöitöiz/vöidhöiz 	 chanaz/vapaz     chüküz/vüdüz     chílíz/vífíz     chethez/vegez
Instrumental    chöbög/vökhög     chauraug/vaumaug	  chöitöig/vöidhöig 	 chanag/vapag     chüküg/vüdüg     chílíg/vífíg     chetheg/vegeg
Postpositional  chöbökh/vökhökh   chauraukh/vaumaukh   chöitöid/vöidhöikh    chanakh/vapakh   chükükh/vüdükh   chílíkh/vífíkh   chethekh/vegekh
Genitive        chöböj/vökhöj     chaurauj/vaumauj	  chöitöij/vöidhöij     chanaj/vapaj     chüküj/vüdüj     chílíj/vífíj     chethej/vegej
Locative        chöbödh/vökhödh   chauraudh/vaumaudh	chöitöidh/vöidhöidh   chanadh/vapadh   chüküdh/vüdüdh   chílídh/vífídh   chethedh/vegedh
Plural Forms:

Code: Select all

                Tfömebs	        Shövars		        Spéngets	           Gwílöns          Ndöineks          Nrels            Fpaukiths
                Aff./Neg.         Aff./Neg.            Aff./Neg.             Aff./Neg.        Aff./Neg.         Aff./Neg.        Aff./Neg.
Nominative      chöböp/vökhöp     chauraup/vaumaup	  chöitöip/vöidhöip 	 chanap/vapap     chüküp/vüdüp      chílíp/vífíp     chethep/vegep			    
Accusative      chöböch/vökhöch   chaurauch/vaumauch	chöitöich/vöidhöich   chanach/vapach   chüküch/vüdüch    chílích/vífích   chethech/vegech   
Dative          chöböl/vökhöl     chauraul/vaumaul	  chöitöil/vöidhöil 	 chanal/vapal     chükül/vüdül      chílíl/vífíl     chethel/vegel
Instrumental    chöböf/vökhöf     chaurauf/vaumauf	  chöitöif/vöidhöif     chanaf/vadhaf    chüküf/vüdüf      chílíf/vífíf     chethef/vegef
Postpositional  chöböd/vökhöd     chauraud/vaumaud	  chöitöid/vöidhöid     chanad/vapad     chüküd/vüdüd      chílíd/vífíd     chethed/veged
Genitive        chöböng/vökhöng   chauraung/vaumaung	chöitöing/vöidhöing   chanang/vapang   chüküng/vüdüng    chílíng/vífíng   chetheng/vegeng
Locative        chöbösh/vökhösh   chauraush/vaumaush	chöitöish/vöidhöish   chanash/vapash   chüküsh/vüdüsh    chílísh/vífísh   chethesh/vegesh
Septimal Forms:

Code: Select all

                Tfömebs	        Shövars		        Spéngets	           Gwílöns          Ndöineks          Nrels            Fpaukiths
                Aff./Neg.         Aff./Neg.            Aff./Neg.             Aff./Neg.        Aff./Neg.         Aff./Neg.        Aff./Neg.
Nominative      chöböth/vökhöth   chaurauth/vaumauth	chöitöith/vöidhöith   chanath/vapath   chüküth/vüdüth    chílíth/vífíth   chetheth/vegeth			    
Accusative      chöbör/vökhör     chauraur/vaumaur	  chöitöir/vöidhöir     chanar/vapar     chükür/vüdür      chílír/vífír     chether/veger   
Dative          chöböl/vökhöl     chauraul/vaumaul	  chöitöil/vöidhöil 	 chanal/vapal     chükül/vüdül      chílíl/vífíl     chethel/vegel
Instrumental    chöböf/vökhöf     chaurauf/vaumauf	  chöitöif/vöidhöif     chanaf/vadhaf    chüküf/vüdüf      chílíf/vífíf     chethef/vegef
Postpositional  chöböd/vökhöd     chauraud/vaumaud	  chöitöid/vöidhöid     chanad/vapad     chüküd/vüdüd      chílíd/vífíd     chethed/veged
Genitive        chöböng/vökhöng   chauraung/vaumaung	chöitöing/vöidhöing   chanang/vapang   chüküng/vüdüng    chílíng/vífíng   chetheng/vegeng
Locative        chöbösh/vökhösh   chauraush/vaumaush	chöitöish/vöidhöish   chanash/vapash   chüküsh/vüdüsh    chílísh/vífísh   chethesh/vegesh
Chü Hínabdönöks - Usage

1) Gentle readers familiar with SAE languages should not expect to find anything particularly surprising here. The relative clause, retaining its own internal SAuxOV order, is bookended by the relative pronoun at its beginning and "sho" at its end, and in an unmarked sentence, it normally immediately follows its antecedent:

subject - shléts - possible predicate stuff - relative pronoun - relative clause - sho - verb

sa gailkinsat, chanab shut sí lé odaltha'u nzhí ba kufez thef sho, akaz.
I met a handsome man with whom I wished one day to elope.

2) Relative pronouns agree with their antecedents in declension and number, but take their polarity and case from their rôle in the relative clause:


Chö helkebs la chö dhaubs, chöb lé sít kupaz sho, nöi.
That's the man who helped me.

Chö helkebs la chö dhaubs, vöb lé fít kupaz sho, nöi.
That's the man who didn't help me.

Vö helkekhs la vö dhaukhs, chöb lé sít kupaz sho, nöi.
That's not the man who helped me.

Vö helkekhs la vö dhaukhs, vöb lé fít kupaz sho, nöi.
That's not the man who didn't help me.

Cha ípwans la, chan lé ösla'u sítöz sho, chöi çímíts sítet nöi.
The girl who came late is my sister.


Chö helkebs la chö dhaubs, chöböt sí lé che hereçkedalthsev tel sho, nöi.
That's the man (who(m)) I saw yesterday.

Chö helkebs la sö dhaubs, vöböt fí lé ve hereçkedalgsev tel sho, nöi.
That's a man (who(m)) I didn't see yesterday.

Vö helkekhs la vö dhaukhs, chöböt sí lé che hereçkedalthsev tel sho, nöi.
That's not the man (who(m)) I saw yesterday.

Vö helkekhs la fö dhaukhs, vöböt fí lé ve hereçkedalgsev tel sho, nöi.
That's not a man (who(m)) I didn't see yesterday.

Sí lé sa hönsat cha ípwansak, chanat Vasíls lé tel sho, gamez.
I gave a rose to the girl (that) Basil saw.


Chö helkebs la chö dhaubs, chöbök sí lé cha pfesensat fuzh sho, nöi.
That's the man (who(m)) I wrote the letter to.

Chö helkebs la chö dhaubs, vöbök fí lé va pfesepsat fuzh sho, nöi.
That's the man (who(m)) I didn't write the letter to.

Vö helkekhs la vö dhaukhs, chöbök sí lé cha pfesensat fuzh sho, nöi.
That's not the man (who(m)) I wrote the letter to.

Vö helkekhs la fö dhaukhs, vöbök fí lé va pfesepsat fuzh sho, nöi.
That's not a man (who(m)) I didn't write the letter to.

Íöhans la cha ípwansat, chanak sí lé sa pfesensat fuzh sho, umpeth.
John knows the girl (that) I wrote a letter to.


Chö helkebs la chö dhaubs, chöbön sí lét gzaul sho, nöi.
That's the man (who(m)) I was wooed by.

Chö helkebs la chö dhaubs, vöbön fí lét gzaul sho, nöi.
That's the man (who(m)) I wasn't wooed by.

Vö helkekhs la vö dhaukhs, chöbön sí lét gzaul sho, nöi.
That's not the man (who(m)) I was wooed by.

Vö helkekhs la fö dhaukhs, vöbön fí lét gzaul sho, nöi.
That's not a man (who(m)) I wasn't wooed by.

Sí lé chí kfedhölsít, chílín chík panfalsíp lé Íöhansat chí öçalsív grakh sho, zvaun.
I found the rock (that) the robbers had hit John over the head with.


Chö helkebs la chö dhaubs, chöböb shut sí lé möl sho, nöi.
That's the man (who(m)) I was talking with.

Chö helkebs la chö dhaubs, vöböb shut fí lé möl sho, nöi.
That's the man (who(m)) I wasn't talking with.

Vö helkekhs la vö dhaukhs, chöböb shut sí lé möl sho, nöi.
That's not the man (who(m)) I was talking with.

Vö helkekhs la fö dhaukhs, vöböb shut fí lé möl sho, nöi.
That's not a man (who(m)) I wasn't talking with.

Chau íalörs sírfír lík, faumaub íe fí la azöna'u íe ba shöz kalokh sho, sauk çörsauch göirauch zgortun.
The first person (that) I can't run faster than will win a million florins.


Chö helkebs la chö dhaubs, chöbös sí la cha kfainsat umpeth sho, nöi.
That's the man whose sister I know.

Chö helkebs la chö dhaubs, vöbös fí la va kfaipsat umpeth sho, nöi.
That's the man whose sister I don't know.

Vö helkekhs la vö dhaukhs, chöbös sí la cha kfainsat umpeth sho, nöi.
That's not the man whose sister I know.

Vö helkekhs la vö dhaukhs, vöbös fí la va kfaipsat umpeth sho, nöi.
That's not the man whose sister I don't know.

Cha ípwans lé sík, chanas chö dhabs lé sfaikh sho, gü san lé höizçaf sho, ngamath.
The girl whose father died told me she was sad.


Chö helkebs la chö dhaubs, chöböv sí lé nzdanez sho, nöi.
That's the man (who(m)) I walked up to.

Chö helkebs la sö dhaubs, vöböv fí lé nzdanez sho, nöi.
That's a man (who(m)) I didn't walk up to.

Vö helkekhs la vö dhaukhs, chöböv sí lé nzdanez sho, nöi.
That's not the man (who(m)) I walked up to.

Vö helkekhs la fö dhaukhs, vöböv fí lé nzdanez sho, nöi.
That's not a man (who(m)) I didn't walk up to.

Cha ípwans lé, chanav öçek lé nzdanez sho, chelöi abakhala'u hörhpelköz?
Why did the girl (that) you walked up to run away screaming?

3) The fixation on declension agreement has allowed for distinctions that are available in, say, French, that are not necessarily available in English:

J'ai parlé avec son père et sa mère, laquelle je connaissais déjà.
Sí lé chö dhaubsöb zhö cha maralansab shut söbös, chanat sí lé zövla umpeth sho, möl.
I talked to his father and mother, whom I already knew. (concord makes it clear that it is the mother who was already known)

J'ai parlé avec son père et sa mère, lesquels je connaissais déjà.
Sí lé chö dhaubsöb zhö cha maralansab shut söbös, chethech sí lé zövla umpeth sho, möl.
I talked to his father and mother, whom I already knew. (concord makes it clear that it is the father and mother who were already known)

J'ai parlé avec son père et sa mère, que je connaissais déjà.
I talked to his father and mother, whom I already knew. (the contextual ambiguity of this sentence, both in English and French, is not available in Géarthnuns)

Yet this is also available:

J'ai parlé avec son père et sa mère, que je connaissais déjà.
Sí lé chö dhaubsöb zhö cha maralansab shut söbös, chöböt sí lé zövla umpeth sho, möl.
I talked to his father and mother, whom I already knew. (concord makes it clear in Géarthnuns that it is the father who was already known)

Though one might suspect, in French or Géarthnuns, that it would be recommended in this instance switching the place of "father" and "mother" to make the antecedent slightly clearer in more conversational styles of communicating:

J'ai parlé avec sa mère et son père, lequel je connaissais déjà.
Sí lé cha maralansab zhö chö dhaubsöb shut söbös, chöböt sí lé zövla umpeth sho, möl.
I talked to his mother and father, whom I already knew. (concord makes it clear that it is the father who was already known)

4) As mentioned above, the relative clause normally immediately follows its antecedent. However, with all that rampant agreement going on, it is possible in more elevated styles of writing, such as a legal document, a philosophical treatise, or a novel written by James Joyce if he were a Géarthçins, to have the antecedent and its referent rather separated from one another. That said, while it is stylistically preferred, unless you know what you're doing, to keep the relative clause right after the antecedent, when a relative clause refers to a nominative antecedent in subject position, it's stylistically preferred, in most registers, to put the relative clause after the shléts. Thus, although the following sentence is perfectly grammatical and possible:

Cha ípwans, chan lé ösla'u sítöz sho, la chöi çímíts sítet nöi.
The girl who came late is my sister.

Most speakers will almost automatically opt for:

Cha ípwans la, chan lé ösla'u sítöz sho, chöi çímíts sítet nöi.
The girl who came late is my sister.

5) Impersonal pronouns do not carry the impersonal voice over into a relative clause:

Shahöcheths lav, cheth la ba çöpömatíazh kalaf sho, naiata'u dínakadiz daikh. (not lav)
Anyone who would like to smoke should go outside.

Sak Flaivonapwerinsap Sfönap - Other Example Sentences

Tnemel Aubs la, chöböb sököi sík haulsíp küvalíp la sek amurethsed mnözçethed vembö mal sho, söi péts ptalvat chík épímalsíl nöi.
Tnemel Mountain-NOM AUX.PRES, REL.POST at.the.foot.of INDEF.PL village-NOM.PL small-NOM.PL AUX.PRES INDEF.PL inn-POST.PL comfortable-POST.PL with.therein be.located PTCL, INDEF destination-NOM popular-NOM DEF.PL tourist-DAT.PL be
Mount Tnemel, at the foot of which are many small villages with quaintly comfortable inns, is a popular destination with tourists.

Chau öthamashírsauv, makhlama la chül Lumíkügadaksüm Zharíöküm che 1573fíthsev, chükükh ktu Ébarths Lumíküdíbs chö lé Ölthautsöib Lumíküdíbsöb shut chö ba aubüvangketh ngrhoptal sho, gvasef.
DEF literature.class-LOC, 1PL-NOM AUX.PRES DEF.DUAL Lemming.War-ACC.DUAL Great-ACC.DUAL DEF 1573rd.one-LOC, REL-POST.DUAL during Ébarths-NOM Lemming.King-NOM DEF AUX.PAST Ölthauts-POST Lemming.King-POST with DEF PTCL eat.together refuse PTCL, learn
In literature class, we're learning about the Great Lemming Wars of 1573, during which the Lemming King Ébarths refused to break bread with the Lemming King Ölthauts.

Chökh shadnöbsöth lé, chöböth löi Garhaknönsat fshen sho, zçeshtanö san lé cha üthnggensav albrénöth sho, vízhala'u thon sesin.
DEF.SEPT dwarf-NOM.SEPT AUX.PAST, REL-NOM.SEPT AUX.PASTPRF Snow.White-ACC take.in PTCL, while 3SG-NOM AUX.PAST DEF glass.casket-LOC lie PTCL, be.in.pain-PRESPTPL.ADV very-AdADV grieve
The dwarves, who had taken Snow White in, grieved sorely as she lay in her glass casket.

Sentence 118 of the Snowball Game

Stuff About Nepu-Nepu

On Words From My Father's Lips
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Lao Kou
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Joined: 25 Nov 2012 10:39
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Re: Géarthnuns - The Thread

Post by Lao Kou »

Chík Felíhakfalsíp - Adjectives

Chü Tubílíbdönöks - Formation

Adjectives generally follow the nouns they modify and agree with them in declension, case, number, and polarity. As such, they look very much like ur-forms (i.e.: without the of a noun) which can inflect, even in the negative, and as such, they employ the same inflectional pattern as the nouns they follow (without the nominal, but with the same pténíörs and case endings). The citation form of an adjective found in a dictionary is the first declension tfömebs nominative singular, from which the adjective's complete declension is readily predictable. Nonetheless, since one can never have too many charts, the adjective "zíauríb" ("red") is presented below in all its possible forms:

Tfömebs: sö béöbs zíauríb - a red house

Code: Select all

Singular:           Affirmative                            Negative

Nom.            sö béöbs zíauríb                     fö béökhs zíauríkh
Acc.            sö béöbsöt zíauríböt                 fö béökhsöt zíauríkhöt
Dat.            sö béöbsök zíauríbök                 fö béökhsök zíauríkhök
Instr.          sö béöbsön zíauríbön                 fö béökhsön zíauríkhön
Post.           sö béöbsöb zíauríböb                 fö béökhsöb zíauríkhöb
Gen.            sö béöbsös zíauríbös                 fö béökhsös zíauríkhös
Loc.            sö béöbsöv zíauríböv                 fö béökhsöv zíauríkhöv


Nom.            söl béöbsözh zíauríbözh              föl béökhsözh zíauríkhözh
Acc.            söl béöbsöm zíauríböm                föl béökhsöm zíauríkhöm
Dat.            söl béöbsöz zíauríböz                föl béökhsöz zíauríkhöz
Instr.          söl béöbsög zíauríbög                föl béökhsög zíauríkhög
Post.           söl béöbsökh zíauríbökh              föl béökhsökh zíauríkhökh
Gen.            söl béöbsöj zíauríböj                föl béökhsöj zíauríkhöj
Loc.            söl béöbsödh zíauríbödh              föl béökhsödh zíauríkhödh


Nom.            sök béöbsöp zíauríböp                fök béökhsöp zíauríkhöp
Acc.            sök béöbsöch zíauríböch              fök béökhsöch zíauríkhöch
Dat.            sök béöbsöl zíauríböl                fök béökhsöl zíauríkhöl
Instr.          sök béöbsöf zíauríböf                fök béökhsöf zíauríkhöf
Post.           sök béöbsöd zíauríböd                fök béökhsöd zíauríkhöd
Gen.            sök béöbsöng zíauríböng              fök béökhsöng zíauríkhöng
Loc.            sök béöbsösh zíauríbösh              fök béökhsösh zíauríkhösh


Nom.            sökh béöbsöth zíauríböth             fökh béökhsöth zíauríkhöth
Acc.            sökh béöbsör zíauríbör               fökh béökhsör zíauríkhör
Dat.            sök béöbsöl zíauríböl                fök béökhsöl zíauríkhöl
Instr.          sök béöbsöf zíauríböf                fök béökhsöf zíauríkhöf
Post.           sök béöbsöd zíauríböd                fök béökhsöd zíauríkhöd
Gen.            sök béöbsöng zíauríböng              fök béökhsöng zíauríkhöng
Loc.            sök béöbsösh zíauríbösh              fök béökhsösh zíauríkhösh
Shövars: sau jürs zíaurír - (a/some) red wine

Code: Select all

Singular:           Affirmative                            Negative

Nom.            sau jürs zíaurír                      fau jüms zíaurím
Acc.            sau jürsaut zíauríraut                fau jümsaut zíaurímaut
Dat.            sau jürsauk zíaurírauk                fau jümsauk zíaurímauk
Instr.          sau jürsaun zíauríraun                fau jümsaun zíaurímaun
Post.           sau jürsaub zíauríraub                fau jümsaub zíaurímaub
Gen.            sau jürsaus zíauríraus                fau jümsaus zíaurímaus
Loc.            sau jürsauv zíaurírauv                fau jümsauv zíaurímauv


Nom.            saul jürsauzh zíaurírauzh             faul jümsauzh zíaurímauzh
Acc.            saul jürsaum zíauríraum               faul jümsaum zíaurímaum
Dat.            saul jürsauz zíaurírauz               faul jümsauz zíaurímauz
Instr.          saul jürsaug zíauríraug               faul jümsaug zíaurímaug
Post.           saul jürsaukh zíauríraukh             faul jümsaukh zíaurímaukh
Gen.            saul jürsauj zíaurírauj               faul jümsauj zíaurímauj
Loc.            saul jürsaudh zíauríraudh             faul jümsaudh zíaurímaudh


Nom.            sauk jürsaup zíauríraup               fauk jümsaup zíaurímaup
Acc.            sauk jürsauch zíaurírauch             fauk jümsauch zíaurímauch
Dat.            sauk jürsaul zíauríraul               fauk jümsaul zíaurímaul
Instr.          sauk jürsauf zíaurírauf               fauk jümsauf zíaurímauf
Post.           sauk jürsaud zíauríraud               fauk jümsaud zíaurímaud
Gen.            sauk jürsaung zíauríraung             fauk jümsaung zíaurímaung
Loc.            sauk jürsaush zíauríraush             fauk jümsaush zíaurímaush


Nom.            saukh jürsauth zíaurírauth            faukh jümsauth zíaurímauth
Acc.            saukh jürsaur zíauríraur              faukh jümsaur zíaurímaur
Dat.            sauk jürsaul zíauríraul               fauk jümsaul zíaurímaul
Instr.          sauk jürsauf zíaurírauf               fauk jümsauf zíaurímauf
Post.           sauk jürsaud zíauríraud               fauk jümsaud zíaurímaud
Gen.            sauk jürsaung zíauríraung             fauk jümsaung zíaurímaung
Loc.            sauk jürsaush zíauríraush             fauk jümsaush zíaurímaush
Spéngets: söi pébets zíaurít - a red button (as on a machine)

Code: Select all

Singular:            Affirmative                              Negative

Nom.            söi pébets zíaurít                     föi pébedhs zíaurídh
Acc.            söi pébetsöit zíaurítöit               föi pébedhsöit zíaurídhöit
Dat.            söi pébetsöik zíaurítöik               föi pébedhsöik zíaurídhöik
Instr.          söi pébetsöin zíaurítöin               föi pébedhsöin zíaurídhöin
Post.           söi pébetsöib zíaurítöib               föi pébedhsöib zíaurídhöib
Gen.            söi pébetsöis zíaurítöis               föi pébedhsöis zíaurídhöis
Loc.            söi pébetsöiv zíaurítöiv               föi pébedhsöiv zíaurídhöiv


Nom.            söil pébetsöizh zíaurítöizh            föil pébedhsöizh zíaurídhöizh
Acc.            söil pébetsöim zíaurítöim              föil pébedhsöim zíaurídhöim
Dat.            söil pébetsöiz zíaurítöiz              föil pébedhsöiz zíaurídhöiz
Instr.          söil pébetsöig zíaurítöig              föil pébedhsöig zíaurídhöig
Post.           söil pébetsöikh zíaurítöikh            föil pébedhsöikh zíaurídhöikh
Gen.            söil pébetsöij zíaurítöij              föil pébedhsöij zíaurídhöij
Loc.            söil pébetsöidh zíaurítöidh            föil pébedhsöidh zíaurídhöidh


Nom.            söik pébetsöip zíaurítöip              föik pébedhsöip zíaurídhöip
Acc.            söik pébetsöich zíaurítöich            föik pébedhsöich zíaurídhöich
Dat.            söik pébetsöil zíaurítöil              föik pébedhsöil zíaurídhöil
Instr.          söik pébetsöif zíaurítöif              föik pébedhsöif zíaurídhöif
Post.           söik pébetsöid zíaurítöid              föik pébedhsöid zíaurídhöid
Gen.            söik pébetsöing zíaurítöing            föik pébedhsöing zíaurídhöing
Loc.            söik pébetsöish zíaurítöish            föik pébedhsöish zíaurídhöish


Nom.            söikh pébetsöith zíaurítöith           föikh pébedhsöith zíaurídhöith
Acc.            söikh pébetsöir zíaurítöir             föikh pébedhsöir zíaurídhöir
Dat.            söik pébetsöil zíaurítöil              föik pébedhsöil zíaurídhöil
Instr.          söik pébetsöif zíaurítöif              föik pébedhsöif zíaurídhöif
Post.           söik pébetsöid zíaurítöid              föik pébedhsöid zíaurídhöid
Gen.            söik pébetsöing zíaurítöing            föik pébedhsöing zíaurídhöing
Loc.            söik pébetsöish zíaurítöish            föik pébedhsöish zíaurídhöish
Gwílöns: sa aléhans zíaurín - (some/a piece of) red clothing

Code: Select all

Singular:           Affirmative                             Negative

Nom.            sa aléhans zíaurín                     fa aléhaps zíauríp
Acc.            sa aléhansat zíaurínat                 fa aléhapsat zíaurípat
Dat.            sa aléhansak zíaurínak                 fa aléhapsak zíaurípak
Instr.          sa aléhansan zíaurínan                 fa aléhapsan zíaurípan
Post.           sa aléhansab zíaurínab                 fa aléhapsab zíaurípab
Gen.            sa aléhansas zíaurínas                 fa aléhapsas zíaurípas
Loc.            sa aléhansav zíaurínav                 fa aléhapav zíaurípav


Nom.            sal aléhansazh zíauríbazh              fal aléhapsazh zíaurípazh
Acc.            sal aléhansam zíauríbam                fal aléhapsam zíaurípam
Dat.            sal aléhansaz zíauríbaz                fal aléhapsaz zíaurípaz
Instr.          sal aléhansag zíauríbag                fal aléhapsag zíaurípag
Post.           sal aléhansakh zíauríbakh              fal aléhapsakh zíaurípakh
Gen.            sal aléhansaj zíauríbaj                fal aléhapsaj zíaurípaj
Loc.            sal aléhansadh zíauríbadh              fal aléhapsadh zíaurípadh


Nom.            sak aléhansap zíaurínap                fak aléhapsap zíaurípap
Acc.            sak aléhansach zíaurínach              fak aléhapsach zíaurípach
Dat.            sak aléhansal zíaurínal                fak aléhapsal zíaurípal
Instr.          sak aléhansaf zíaurínaf                fak aléhapsaf zíaurípaf
Post.           sak aléhansad zíaurínad                fak aléhapsad zíaurípad
Gen.            sak aléhansang zíaurínang              fak aléhapsang zíaurípang
Loc.            sak aléhansash zíaurínash              fak aléhapsash zíaurípash


Nom.            sakh aléhansath zíaurínath             fakh aléhapsath zíaurípath
Acc.            sakh aléhansar zíaurínar               fakh aléhapsar zíaurípar
Dat.            sak aléhansal zíaurínal                fak aléhapsal zíaurípal
Instr.          sak aléhansaf zíaurínaf                fak aléhapsaf zíaurípaf
Post.           sak aléhansad zíaurínad                fak aléhapsad zíaurípad
Gen.            sak aléhansang zíaurínang              fak aléhapsang zíaurípang
Loc.            sak aléhansash zíaurínash              fak aléhapsash zíaurípash
Ndöineks: sü haileks zíaurík - a red ball

Code: Select all

Singular:           Affirmative                             Negative

Nom.            sü haileks zíaurík                     fü haileds zíauríd
Acc.            sü haileksüt zíauríküt                 fü hailedsüt zíaurídüt
Dat.            sü haileksük zíauríkük                 fü hailedsük zíaurídük
Instr.          sü haileksün zíauríkün                 fü hailedsün zíaurídün
Post.           sü haileksüb zíauríküb                 fü hailedsüb zíaurídüb
Gen.            sü haileksüs zíauríküs                 fü hailedsüs zíaurídüs
Loc.            sü haileksüv zíauríküv                 fü hailedsüv zíaurídüv


Nom.            sül haileksüzh zíauríküzh              fül hailedsüzh zíaurídüzh
Acc.            sül haileksüm zíauríküm                fül hailedsüm zíaurídüm
Dat.            sül haileksüz zíauríküz                fül hailedsüz zíaurídüz
Instr.          sül haileksüg zíauríküg                fül hailedsüg zíaurídüg
Post.           sül haileksükh zíauríkükh              fül hailedsükh zíaurídükh
Gen.            sül haileksüj zíauríküj                fül hailedsüj zíaurídüj
Loc.            sül haileksüdh zíauríküdh              fül hailedsüdh zíaurídüdh


Nom.            sük haileksüp zíauríküp                fük hailedsüp zíaurídüp
Acc.            sük haileksüch zíauríküch              fük hailedsüch zíaurídüch
Dat.            sük haileksül zíauríkül                fük hailedsül zíaurídül
Instr.          sük haileksüf zíauríküf                fük hailedsüf zíaurídüf
Post.           sük haileksüd zíauríküd                fük hailedsüd zíaurídüd
Gen.            sük haileksüng zíauríküng              fük hailedsüng zíaurídüng
Loc.            sük haileksüsh zíauríküsh              fük hailedsüsh zíaurídüsh


Nom.            sükh haileksüth zíauríküth             fükh hailedsüth zíaurídüth
Acc.            sükh haileksür zíauríkür               fükh hailedsür zíaurídür
Dat.            sük haileksül zíauríkül                fük hailedsül zíaurídül
Instr.          sük haileksüf zíauríküf                fük hailedsüf zíaurídüf
Post.           sük haileksüd zíauríküd                fük hailedsüd zíaurídüd
Gen.            sük haileksüng zíauríküng              fük hailedsüng zíaurídüng
Loc.            sük haileksüsh zíauríküsh              fük hailedsüsh zíaurídüsh
Nrels: sí gefröls zíauríl - a red book

Code: Select all

Singular:           Affirmative                              Negative

Nom.            sí gefröls zíauríl                     fí gefröfs zíauríf
Acc.            sí gefrölsít zíaurílít                 fí gefröfsít zíaurífít
Dat.            sí gefrölsík zíaurílík                 fí gefröfsík zíaurífík
Instr.          sí gefrölsín zíaurílín                 fí gefröfsín zíaurífín
Post.           sí gefrölsíb zíaurílíb                 fí gefröfsíb zíaurífíb
Gen.            sí gefrölsís zíaurílís                 fí gefröfsís zíaurífís
Loc.            sí gefrölsív zíaurílív                 fí gefröfsív zíaurífív


Nom.            síl gefrölsízh zíaurílízh              fíl gefröfsízh zíaurífízh
Acc.            síl gefrölsím zíaurílím                fíl gefröfsím zíaurífím
Dat.            síl gefrölsíz zíaurílíz                fíl gefröfsíz zíaurífíz
Instr.          síl gefrölsíg zíaurílíg                fíl gefröfsíg zíaurífíg
Post.           síl gefrölsíkh zíaurílíkh              fíl gefröfsíkh zíaurífíkh
Gen.            síl gefrölsíj zíaurílíj                fíl gefröfsíj zíaurífíj
Loc.            síl gefrölsídh zíaurílídh              fíl gefröfsídh zíaurífídh


Nom.            sík gefrölsíp zíaurílíp                fík gefröfsíp zíaurífíp
Acc.            sík gefrölsích zíaurílích              fík gefröfsích zíaurífích
Dat.            sík gefrölsíl zíaurílíl                fík gefröfsíl zíaurífíl
Instr.          sík gefrölsíf zíaurílíf                fík gefröfsíf zíaurífíf
Post.           sík gefrölsíd zíaurílíd                fík gefröfsíd zíaurífíd
Gen.            sík gefrölsíng zíaurílíng              fík gefröfsíng zíaurífíng
Loc.            sík gefrölsísh zíaurílísh              fík gefröfsísh zíaurífísh


Nom.            síkh gefrölsíth zíaurílíth             fíkh gefröfsíth zíaurífíth
Acc.            síkh gefrölsír zíaurílír               fíkh gefröfsír zíaurífír
Dat.            sík gefrölsíl zíaurílíl                fík gefröfsíl zíaurífíl
Instr.          sík gefrölsíf zíaurílíf                fík gefröfsíf zíaurífíf
Post.           sík gefrölsíd zíaurílíd                fík gefröfsíd zíaurífíd
Gen.            sík gefrölsíng zíaurílíng              fík gefröfsíng zíaurífíng
Loc.            sík gefrölsísh zíaurílísh              fík gefröfsísh zíaurífísh
Fpaukiths: se töths zíauríth - a red car

Code: Select all

Singular:           Affirmative                            Negative

Nom.            se töths zíauríth                     fe tögs zíauríg
Acc.            se töthset zíauríthet                 fe tögset zíauríget
Dat.            se töthsek zíauríthek                 fe tögsek zíaurígek
Instr.          se töthsen zíauríthen                 fe tögsen zíaurígen
Post.           se töthseb zíaurítheb                 fe tögseb zíaurígeb
Gen.            se töthses zíauríthes                 fe tögses zíauríges
Loc.            se töthsev zíauríthev                 fe tögsev zíaurígev


Nom.            sel töthsezh zíauríthezh              fel tögsezh zíaurígezh
Acc.            sel töthsem zíauríthem                fel tögsem zíaurígem
Dat.            sel töthsez zíauríthez                fel tögsez zíaurígez
Instr.          sel töthseg zíaurítheg                fel tögseg zíaurígeg
Post.           sel töthsekh zíauríthekh              fel tögsekh zíaurígekh
Gen.            sel töthsej zíauríthej                fel tögsej zíaurígej
Loc.            sel töthsedh zíauríthedh              fel tögsedh zíaurígedh


Nom.            sek töthsep zíauríthep                fek tögsep zíaurígep
Acc.            sek töthsech zíauríthech              fek tögsech zíaurígech
Dat.            sek töthsel zíauríthel                fek tögsel zíaurígel
Instr.          sek töthsef zíauríthef                fek tögsef zíaurígef
Post.           sek töthsed zíauríthed                fek tögsed zíauríged
Gen.            sek töthseng zíaurítheng              fek tögseng zíaurígeng
Loc.            sek töthsesh zíauríthesh              fek tögsesh zíaurígesh


Nom.            sekh töthseth zíaurítheth             fekh tögseth zíaurígeth
Acc.            sekh töthser zíauríther               fekh tögser zíauríger
Dat.            sek töthsel zíauríthel                fek tögsel zíaurígel
Instr.          sek töthsef zíauríthef                fek tögsef zíaurígef
Post.           sek töthsed zíauríthed                fek tögsed zíauríged
Gen.            sek töthseng zíaurítheng              fek tögseng zíaurígeng
Loc.            sek töthsesh zíauríthesh              fek tögsesh zíaurígesh
Chü Hínabdönöks - Usage

N.B.: Up to now, Géarthnuns glosses throughout the CBB have not included markers to indicate article-noun-adjective concordance, simply because it has seemed fairly transparent in an SAE sort of way and is yet another glossing hassle. As, however, concordance is one of the points of this posting, it will be marked here. To that end, gentle readers should note that tfömebs nouns and their adjectives will be marked with a (1); shövars with a (2); spéngets with a (3); gwílöns with a (4); ndöineks with a (5); nrels with a (6); and fpaukiths with a (7).

1) a) For singular items of different declensions, each with their own adjective, agreement will work as outlined above:

Agnéts lé sü aneksüt zíaurít zhö sí wotelsít éfüt vazh.
Agnes-NOM AUX.PAST INDEF(5) coat(5)-ACC red(5)-ACC and INDEF(6) hat(6)-ACC black(6)-ACC buy
Agnes bought a red coat and black hat.

b) For two singular items of the same declension with the same modifying adjective, the adjective will be in the dual of that agreeing declension. The second article may be optionally dropped:

Agnéts lé sí ovmalsít zhö (sí) wotelsít zíaurím vazh.
Agnes-NOM AUX.PAST INDEF(6) coat(6)-ACC and (INDEF(6)) hat(6)-ACC red(6)-ACC.DUAL buy
Agnes bought a red dress and hat.

c) For three or more singular items of the same declension with the same modifying adjective, the adjective will be in the plural of that agreeing declension. The second and third articles may be optionally dropped:

Chí chestalsíb pséí, Floríans lé sílsít, (sí) sözçílsít, zhö (sí) aléhaníölsít zíaurích vazh.
DEF bedroom-POST for, Florian-NOM AUX.PAST INDEF(6) bed(6)-ACC, (INDEF(6)) legless.chair(6)-ACC, and (INDEF(6)) wardrobe(6)-ACC red(6)-ACC.PL buy
For his bedroom, Florian bought a red bed, chair, and wardrobe.

Heléns lé sí gefrölsít, (sí) ksímalsít, zhö (sí) ktulsít sherönuch chau ktulísangarsauv athían.
Helen-NOM AUX.PAST INDEF(6) book(6)-ACC, (INDEF(6)) document(6)-ACC, and (INDEF(6)) file(6)-ACC old(6)-ACC.PL DEF archives-LOC put
Helen put an old book, document, and file in the archives.

The adjective will not change if the other elements become plural:

Chí chestalsíb pséí chak tousounsang, Floríans lé sík vílsích, (sík) sözçílsích, zhö (sík) aléhaníölsích zíaurích vazh.
DEF bedroom-POST for DEF.PL triplet-GEN.PL, Florian-NOM AUX.PAST INDEF(6).PL bed(6)-ACC.PL, (INDEF(6).PL) legless.chair(6)-ACC.PL, and (INDEF(6).PL) wardrobe(6)-ACC.PL red(6)-ACC.PL buy
For his triplets' bedroom, Florian bought red beds, chairs, and wardrobes.

Heléns lé sík gefrölsích, (sík) ksímalsích, zhö (sík) ktulsích sherönuch chau ktulísangarsauv athían.
Helen-NOM AUX.PAST INDEF(6).PL book(6)-ACC.PL, (INDEF(6).PL) document(6)-ACC.PL, and (INDEF(6).PL) file(6)-ACC.PL old(6)-ACC.PL DEF archives-LOC put
Helen put old books, documents, and files in the archives.

d) For two singular items of different declension with the same modifying adjective, the adjective will be in the dual of the seventh declension fpaukiths, as that was originally the default "omnial" declension for modifying mixed declensions. The second article is obligatory:

Chau vléamers henger la sü augangauksün zhö söi vgörutsöin nevaletheg bzherön.
DEF(2) suit(2)-NOM this(2)-NOM AUX.PRES INDEF(5) jacket(5)-INSTR and INDEF(3) pants(3)-INSTR gray(7)-INSTR.DUAL comprise
This suit comprises a gray jacket and pair of pants.

Saurs zhö sa talsengöns fransélatöithezh lé sau kfasharsauv mal.
INDEF(2) wine(2)-NOM and INDEF(4) dessert(4)-NOM French(7)-NOM.DUAL AUX.PAST INDEF table-LOC be.located
A French wine and dessert were on the table.

e) For three or more singular items of different declension with the same modifying adjective, the adjective will be in the plural of the seventh declension fpaukiths. The second and third articles are obligatory:

Chau vléamers henger la sü augangauksün, söi döchortsöin, zhö söi vgörutsöin nevalethef bzherön.
DEF(2) suit(2)-NOM this(2)-NOM AUX.PRES INDEF(5) jacket(5)-INSTR, INDEF(3) vest(3)-INSTR, and INDEF(3) pants(3)-INSTR gray(7)-INSTR.PL comprise
This suit comprise a gray jacket, vest, and pair of pants.

Saurs, sü zhíkeshöks, zhö sa talsengöns fransélatöithep lé sau kfasharsauv mal.
INDEF(2) wine(2)-NOM, INDEF(5) hors.d’œuvre(5)-NOM, and INDEF(4) dessert(4)-NOM French(7)-NOM.PL AUX.PAST INDEF table-LOC be.located
A French wine, hors d’œuvre, and dessert were on the table.

The adjective will not change if the other elements become plural:

Chauk vléamersaup hengeraup la sük augangauksüf, söik döchortsöif, zhö söik vgörutsöif nevalethef bzherön.
DEF(2).PL suit(2)-NOM.PL this(2)-NOM.PL AUX.PRES INDEF(5).PL jacket(5)-INSTR.PL, INDEF(3).PL vest(3)-INSTR.PL, and INDEF(3).PL pants(3)-INSTR.PL gray(7)-INSTR.PL comprise
These suits comprises gray jackets, vests, and pairs of pants.

Sauk jürsaup, sük zhíkeshöksüp, zhö sak talsengönsap fransélatöithep lé sau kfasharsauv mal.
INDEF(2).PL wine(2)-NOM.PL, INDEF(5).PL hors.d’œuvre(5)-NOM.PL, and INDEF(4).PL dessert(4)-NOM.PL French(7)-NOM.PL AUX.PAST INDEF table-LOC be.located
French wines, hors d’œuvres, and desserts were on the table.

2) Adjectives as Substantives:

Adjectives can be made into nouns by adding the substantive [ s ] to the nominative adjective (which at the orthographic level means replacing the bare consonant ending with a föths, the noun marker). When there is an explicit antecedent, the substantive adjective agrees with it in declension. In English, this often translates as "ADJ one(s)":

Chau zdítnaikersaun söb lé saul sförsaum dvaurhöraum ba vazh üraf, de söb lé saul éfürsaum ba vazh zgönteun.
DEF original.intent-INSTR 3SG-NOM AUX.PAST INDEF(2).PL shoe(2)-ACC.DUAL brown(2)-ACC.DUAL PTCL buy want, but 3SG-NOM AUX.PAST INDEF(2).DUAL black.one(2)-ACC.DUAL PTCL buy end.up
He originally wanted to buy brown shoes, but he ended up buying black ones.

Fí lé ví ktufsít, chílít sí lé zhdazh sho, vík ftelöfsíd bdau ba zvaun kalokh.
1SG.NEG AUX.PAST DEF(6).NEG file(6)-ACC.NEG, REL(6).ACC 1SG-NOM AUX.PAST look.for PTCL, DEF(6).PL.NEG other.one(6)-POST.PL.NEG from.among PTCL find be.able
I couldn't find the file I was looking for among the others.

Chak hönsap zíaurínap la chü sheshfaiksüt veçö, chak garhansap chöi knékförhatsöit veçö, kfö chak römbelensap che zhömaukethset vagöf.
DEF(4).PL rose(4)-NOM.PL red(4)-NOM.PL AUX.PRES DEF passion-ACC thus, DEF(4).PL white.one(4)-NOM.PL DEF honorable.intention-ACC thus, and DEF(4).PL yellow.one(4)-NOM.PL DEF friendship-ACC symbolize
Red roses represent passion; white ones, purity; and yellow ones, friendship.

Demonstratives the gentle reader encountered here also behave this way, so that what might be demonstrative pronouns in other languages are simply substantive adjectives in Géarthnuns:

Chö hengebs la sö ngarebs nöi.
DEF(1) this.one(1)-NOM AUX.PRES INDEF(1) dog(1)-NOM be
This is a dog.

Chak helkensap la sak flahansap nöi.
DEF(4).PL that.one(4)-NOM.PL AUX.PRES INDEF(4).PL flower(4)-NOM.PL be
Those (over there) are flowers.

If the antecedent is not explicit, one possibility is to place the substantive in the shövars declension, where the implied antecedent is "íalörs" ("person"):

Raubin Hudbauths lé chauk aukhnörsaul pan kfö chauk önchaursaul gamez.
Robin.Hood-NOM AUX.PAST DEF(2).PL rich.one(2)-DAT.PL rob and DEF(2).PL poor.one(2)-DAT.PL give
Robin Hood robbed from the rich and gave to the poor.

The other possibility is to use the fpaukiths declension with its "omnial" underpinnings:

Hagzéthep chek fkadhethsep, vaçte rheth lí chöi zhangatsöit gakh.
blessed(7)-NOM.PL DEF(7) meek.one(7)-NOM.PL, because 3PL(7)-NOM AUX.FUT DEF earth-ACC inherit
Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth.

This also works with an abstract demonstrative:

Fí lé ve hengegset özdön.
1SG-NOM.NEG AUX.PAST DEF(7).NEG this.one(7)-ACC.NEG expect
I wasn't expecting this. (though here, the implied antecedent may be understood as "çöiths" ("situation") or "kfözhaneths/veths" ("thing"))

Sak Flaivonapwerinsap Sfönap - Other Example Sentences

Sík gefrölsíp, ksímalsíp, zhö ktulsíp sherönup lít chü naivresaksüv hengezodü tímaz.
INDEF(6).PL book(6)-NOM.PL, document(6)-NOM.PL, and file(6)-NOM.PL old(6)-NOM.PL AUX.FUT.PASS DEF annex-LOC henceforth-ADV store
Old books, documents, and files will now be stored in the annex.

Sentence 4 of the Snowball Game:

Sharöns, vwélabs techetnekeb eshpíreb chö, la sal autmörgínsam éfünam zhö sí wotelsít gateret, öregü fauk íalömsaup la höi vö dnévözhekhsöv vau fromanalömsauv fapat hauhumpeth sho, zhdra mnévöth.
Sharon-NOM, actress(1)-NOM beautiful(1)-NOM blond(1)-NOM DEF(1), AUX.PRES INDEF(4).DUAL sunglasses(4)-ACC.DUAL dark/black(4)-ACC.DUAL and INDEF(6) hat(6)-ACC big(6)-ACC, so.that INDEF.PL.NEG person-NOM.PL.NEG AUX.PRES PTCL DEF.NEG park-LOC.NEG DEF drinking-LOC.NEG 3SG-ACC.NEG know/recognize-SPEC PTCL, often wear
Sharon, the beautiful blond actress, often wears dark sunglasses and a big hat so that people don't know her when she drinks in the park.

Sentence 8 of the Snowball Game:

Pétems lé höi ví knöifebefsít drökfit gateret helket vau adezhalömsaut fenfelemaut vau sfömsaun vau vangketheglomsauv hautel sho, faum lé vö mvakhsöv ölzdenü ksa hesílbrénakh.
Peter-NOM.NEG AUX.PAST PTCL DEF(6).NEG spider(6)-ACC.NEG ugly(6)-ACC.NEG big(6)-ACC.NEG that(6)-ACC.NEG DEF(2).NEG squash.PRESGER(2)-ACC.NEG 2SG.POSS.ADJ.NEG(2)-ACC.NEG DEF.NEG shoe-INSTR.NEG DEF.NEG dinner-LOC.NEG see-SPEC PTCL, 3SG-NOM.NEG AUX.PAST DEF.NEG soup-LOC.NEG irrealis-ADV unfortunately-ADV vomit-CONCL
If Peter hadn't seen you squash that big, ugly spider with your shoe at dinner, he wouldn't have thrown up into his soup.

Sentence 13 of the Snowball Game:

Taumbauths, çaburs chau söik zrautsöif, sel bithseg sülítheg, zhö sö zédübsön dvaurhön gnöibasharen, lé chí shfolsít chöi bömerelitsöin gdöl.
Tom-NOM, youth-NOM DEF INDEF.PL freckle-INSTR.PL, INDEF(7).DUAL eye(7)-INSTR.DUAL blue(7)-INSTR.DUAL, and INDEF(1) hair(1)-INSTR brown(1)-INSTR unkempt(1)-INSTR, AUX.PAST DEF knee-ACC DEF skateboarding-INSTR wound
Tom, the teen boy with messy brown hair, blue eyes and freckles, cut his knee riding his skateboard.

Sentence 20 of the Snowball Game:

Cha rhégdaunsn garhan chel bithseg bonduküdvaurhötheg la, zçeshtanö san la chí zhdanívölsív chak pazgénövönsad vrí bözh sho, küvan zhö techetneken haupsönöi, arkfö chük ngöiksüp sanap la kromöp theu nöi, kfö sük ngrhöksüp gaterep aup la sanat pétü kfareth.
DEF(4) rabbit(4)-NOM little(4)-NOM white(4)-NOM DEF(7).DUAL eye(7)-INSTR.DUAL hazel(7)-INSTR.DUAL AUX.PRES, as 3SG-NOM AUX.PRES DEF dusk-LOC DEF.PL bean-POST.PL among sit PTCL, small(4)-NOM and beautiful(4)-NOM appear-SPEC, but DEF(5).PL tooth(5)-NOM.PL 3SG.POSS.ADJ(5)-NOM.PL AUX.PRES sharp(5)-NOM.PL very be, and INDEF(5).PL snake(5)-NOM.PL big(5)-NOM.PL even(5)-NOM.PL AUX.PRES 3SG-ACC even-ADV be.afraid.of
The little white rabbit with the hazel eyes may look small and pretty as it sits among the beans at dusk, but its teeth are very sharp, and even big snakes are afraid of it.

Sentence 29 of the Snowball Game:

Cha lönsav waur chfauthalöb, sö ngefabs zheshkeb la, chöv chak shürçebensap la belíéra'u zçeth, sík ösfandílsíp zdérhop la riz, kfö chö dnöibs la che dalthsev ersfanethev híau mölman kfö síluth sho, miçnakh.
DEF ocean-POST in.the.middle.of float.PRESPTPL(1)-NOM, INDEF(1) island(1)-NOM purple(1)-NOM AUX.PRES, REL(1)-LOC DEF.PL orange-NOM.PL AUX.PRES sweet-ADV taste, INDEF(6).PL artist(6)-NOM.PL handsome(6)-NOM.PL AUX.PRES paint, and DEF people-NOM AUX.PRES
day(7)-LOC all(7)-LOC all-ADV sing and smile PTCL, exist
In the middle of the ocean floats a purple island where the oranges taste sweet, handsome artists paint, and the people sing and smile all day.

Sentence 35 of the Snowball Game:

Chík hörtíölsíp söik íngözatsöing kashadetöing la chöi öfetsöiv öçkelatöiv zçötlomavangaf.
DEF.PL fly-NOM.PL INDEF(3).PL camel(3)-GEN.PL 100(3)-GEN.PL AUX.PRES DEF(3) nose(3)-LOC 2SG.POSS.ADJ(3)-LOC fly.up-HORT
May the flies of a hundred camels fly up your nose.

Sentence 77 of the Snowball Game:

Chök içbdörebsöp sherönup che 90-bdaukréthses lé vgüp íe ezgon chök shefebsöd ngöküvad íe chek hengedalthseng nöi.
DEF(1).PL cellphone(1)-NOM.PL old(1)-NOM.PL DEF 90.era-GEN AUX.PAST heavy(1)-NOM.PL more-AdADJ much-AdADV DEF(1).PL light.one(1)-POST.PL smaller(1)-POST.PL than DEF.PL today-GEN.PL be
The old cellphones of the 90s were a lot heavier than the smaller lightweight ones of today.

Sentence 79 of the Snowball Game:

Fí la çörau chí wainagdalsít zheshket hetaum chí ngölaulsít ba vazh ba gnaröl kalokh.
1SG-NOM.NEG AUX.PRES such.as.to DEF(6) motorcycle(6)-ACC purple(6)-ACC or DEF(6) orange.one(6)-ACC PTCL buy PTCL decide be.able
I can't decide whether to buy the purple motorcyle or the orange one.

Discussing the Weather of January, 2016:

Sujosarsauv seth lé cha hereçkthlünsav sek dalthsed töngganethed touthed srem knön.
Suzhou-LOC 3SG-NOM AUX.PAST DEF last.week-LOC INDEF(7).PL day(7)-POST.PL consecutive(7)-POST.PL three(7)-POST.PL for snow
Suzhou had three consecutive days of snow last week.

Gwangjosarsauv aurauv seth lé chöi shtöbötontsöib hengetöib ktu pétü knön.
Guangzhou(2)-LOC even(2)-LOC 3SG AUX.PAST DEF(3) cold.snap(3)-POST this(3)-POST during even-ADV snow
Even Guangzhou got snow during this cold snap.
Last edited by Lao Kou on 09 Aug 2018 10:22, edited 2 times in total.
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Lao Kou
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Joined: 25 Nov 2012 10:39
Location: 蘇州/苏州

Re: Géarthnuns - The Thread

Post by Lao Kou »

Chík Ébefelíhakfalsíp - Possessive Adjectives

Possessive adjectives are like regular adjectives in that they generally follow the nouns they modify and agree with them in declension, case, number, and polarity. However, in addition to endings marking for polarity, the adjectival stem itself, analogous to pronouns, also marks for polarity:

First Person: my, our

Code: Select all

           Affirmative       Negative

Sing.        síteb            fítekh
Dual         trízhhateb       raizhhatekh
Pl.          makhmalab        pantalakh
Sept.        aurinab          közethakh
Second Person: your

Code: Select all

           Affirmative       Negative

Sing.       öçke(la)b        fenfelekh
Dual        skomab           dhékhekh
Pl.         kfazhalöb        héshelökh
Sept.       wöijeb           vlakh
The third person possessive adjective is marked for the declension of the possessor in its stem and for the declension of the possessee in its ending, and is formed as follows:

pronoun of the declension of the possessor + pténíörs + adjectival ending agreeing with the possessee

(Reminder: tfömebs nouns and their adjectives will be glossed with a (1); shövars with a (2); spéngets with a (3); gwílöns with a (4); ndöineks with a (5); nrels with a (6); and fpaukiths with a (7))


chö béöbs Íöhansas - John's house → chö béöbs sanab - his house

chü haileks Vasílsís - Basil's ball → chü haileks sílík - his ball

cheths Élízabetsöis - Elizabeth's car → cheths söitöith - her car

chau tesherdhaurs chau teshersaus - the cat's catnip → chau tesherdhaurs sauraur - its catnip

chöi uts cha julfrensas - the glory of the motherland → chöi uts sanat - its glory

Third Person: Singular Possessee; Nominative Singular Forms

Singular: his, her, its

Code: Select all

Possessor →    Tfömebs         Shövars            Spéngets            Gwílöns        Ndöineks       Nrels          Fpaukiths
Possessee ↓    Aff./Neg.       Aff./Neg.          Aff./Neg.           Aff./Neg.      Aff./Neg.      Aff./Neg.      Aff./Neg.
Tfömebs        söböb/fökhökh   sauraub/faumaukh   söitöib/föidhöikh   sanab/fapakh   süküb/füdükh   sílíb/fívíkh   setheb/fegekh			    
Shövars        söbör/fökhöm    sauraur/faumaum    söitöir/föidhöim 	sanar/fapam    sükür/füdüm    sílír/fívím    sether/fegem   
Spéngets       söböt/fökhödh   sauraut/faumaudh	söitöit/föidhöidh   sanat/fapadh   süküt/füdüdh   sílít/fívídh   sethet/fegedh
Gwílöns        söbön/fökhöp    sauraun/faumaup	 söitöin/föidhöip 	sanan/fapap    sükün/füdüp    sílín/fívíp    sethen/fegep
Ndöineks       söbök/fökhöd    saurauk/faumaud	 söitöik/föidhöid 	sanak/fapad    sükük/füdüd    sílík/fívíd    sethek/feged
Nrels          söböl/fökhöf    sauraul/faumauf	 söitöil/föidhöif 	sanal/fanaf    sükül/füdüf    sílíl/fívíf    sethel/fegef
Fpaukiths      söböth/fökhög   saurauth/faumaug	söitöith/föidhöig   sanath/fanag   süküth/füdüg   sílíth/fívíg   setheth/fegeg
Dual: their

Code: Select all

Possessor →    Tfömebs         Shövars            Spéngets            Gwílöns        Ndöineks       Nrels          Fpaukiths
Possessee ↓    Aff./Neg.       Aff./Neg.          Aff./Neg.           Aff./Neg.      Aff./Neg.      Aff./Neg.      Aff./Neg.
Tfömebs        böböb/tökhökh   bauraub/taumaukh   böitöib/töidhöikh   banab/tapakh   büküb/tüdükh   bílíb/tífíkh   betheb/tegekh			    
Shövars        böbör/tökhöm    bauraur/taumaum    böitöir/töidhöim 	banar/tapam    bükür/tüdüm    bílír/tífím    bether/tegem   
Spéngets       böböt/tökhödh   bauraut/taumaudh	böitöit/töidhöidh   banat/tapadh   büküt/tüdüdh   bílít/tífídh   bethet/tegedh
Gwílöns        böbön/tökhöp    bauraun/taumaup	 böitöin/töidhöip 	banan/tapap    bükün/tüdüp    bílín/tífíp    bethen/tegep
Ndöineks       böbök/tökhöd    baurauk/taumaud	 böitöik/töidhöid 	banak/tapad    bükük/tüdüd    bílík/tífíd    bethek/teged
Nrels          böböl/tökhöf    bauraul/taumauf	 böitöil/töidhöif 	banal/tanaf    bükül/tüdüf    bílíl/tívíf    bethel/tegef
Fpaukiths      böböth/tökhög   baurauth/taumaug	böitöith/töidhöig   banath/tanag   büküth/tüdüg   bílíth/tífíg   betheth/tegeg
Plural: their

Code: Select all

Possessor →    Tfömebs           Shövars              Spéngets              Gwílöns          Ndöineks         Nrels            Fpaukiths
Possessee ↓    Aff./Neg.         Aff./Neg.            Aff./Neg.             Aff./Neg.        Aff./Neg.        Aff./Neg.        Aff./Neg.
Tfömebs        rhöböb/ngökhökh   rhauraub/ngaumaukh   rhöitöib/ngöidhöikh   rhanab/ngapakh   rhüküb/ngüdükh   rhílíb/ngífíkh   rhetheb/ngegekh			    
Shövars        rhöbör/ngökhöm    rhauraur/ngaumaum    rhöitöir/ngöidhöim 	rhanar/ngapam    rhükür/ngüdüm    rhílír/ngífím    rhether/ngegem   
Spéngets       rhöböt/ngökhödh   rhauraut/ngaumaudh	rhöitöit/ngöidhöidh   rhanat/ngapadh   rhüküt/ngüdüdh   rhílít/ngífídh   rhethet/ngegedh
Gwílöns        rhöbön/ngökhöp    rhauraun/ngaumaup	 rhöitöin/ngöidhöip 	rhanan/ngapap    rhükün/ngüdüp    rhílín/ngífíp    rhethen/ngegep
Ndöineks       rhöbök/ngökhöd    rhaurauk/ngaumaud	 rhöitöik/ngöidhöid 	rhanak/ngapad    rhükük/ngüdüd    rhílík/ngífíd    rhethek/ngeged
Nrels          rhöböl/ngökhöf    rhauraul/ngaumauf	 rhöitöil/ngöidhöif 	rhanal/nganaf    rhükül/ngüdüf    rhílíl/ngívíf    rhethel/ngegef
Fpaukiths      rhöböth/ngökhög   rhaurauth/ngaumaug	rhöitöith/ngöidhöig   rhanath/nganag   rhüküth/ngüdüg   rhílíth/ngífíg   rhetheth/ngegeg
Septimal: their

Code: Select all

Possessor →    Tfömebs           Shövars              Spéngets              Gwílöns          Ndöineks         Nrels            Fpaukiths
Possessee ↓    Aff./Neg.         Aff./Neg.            Aff./Neg.             Aff./Neg.        Aff./Neg.        Aff./Neg.        Aff./Neg.
Tfömebs        zçöböb/thökhökh   zçauraub/thaumaukh   zçöitöib/thöidhöikh   zçanab/thapakh   zçüküb/thüdükh   zçílíb/thífíkh   zçetheb/thegekh			    
Shövars        zçöbör/thökhöm    zçauraur/thaumaum    zçöitöir/thöidhöim 	zçanar/thapam    zçükür/thüdüm    zçílír/thífím    zçether/thegem   
Spéngets       zçöböt/thökhödh   zçauraut/thaumaudh	zçöitöit/thöidhöidh   zçanat/thapadh   zçüküt/thüdüdh   zçílít/thífídh   zçethet/thegedh
Gwílöns        zçöbön/thökhöp    zçauraun/thaumaup	 zçöitöin/thöidhöip 	zçanan/thapap    zçükün/thüdüp    zçílín/thífíp    zçethen/thegep
Ndöineks       zçöbök/thökhöd    zçaurauk/thaumaud	 zçöitöik/thöidhöid 	zçanak/thapad    zçükük/thüdüd    zçílík/thífíd    zçethek/theged
Nrels          zçöböl/thökhöf    zçauraul/thaumauf	 zçöitöil/thöidhöif 	zçanal/thanaf    zçükül/thüdüf    zçílíl/thívíf    zçethel/thegef
Fpaukiths      zçöböth/thökhög   zçaurauth/thaumaug	zçöitöith/thöidhöig   zçanath/thanag   zçüküth/thüdüg   zçílíth/thífíg   zçetheth/thegeg
In cases where the possessor and possessee are the same declension and a case ending results in an adjective with three syllables of similar sound, that case ending may optionally be dropped, particularly in the spoken and informal written language:

chö béöbsöb veng Íakobsös - next to Jacob's house → chö béöbsöb söböb veng - next to his house → chö béöbsöb söböb vengchö béöbsöb söböb veng

chík pothedhalsíl Aurélsís - to Aurelian's teammates → chík pothedhalsíl sílíl - to his teammates → chík pothedhalsíl sílílchík pothedhalsíl sílíl

chekh töthseth chek förhífathseng - the dancers' (seven) cars → chekh töthseth zçethetheth - their cars → chekh töthseth zçethethethchekh töthseth zçetheth

Chü Hínabdönöks - Usage

1) a) The possessive adjective is normally accompanied by the definite article:

chí gefröls sítel - my book (Cf. Italian: il mio libro; Portuguese: o meu livro; Hungarian: a könyvem)

chü pímathakraiks sílík - his/her passport (Cf. Italian: il suo passaporto; Portuguese: o seu passaporte; Hungarian: az útlevele)

Chí éíails trízhhatel la cher'ha hömal?
Where's our luggage?

Sí lé chau ndeftersaut öçkeraut cha höilkansav klan.
I put your briefcase by the door.

Fökh lö vau krüneglomsaut rhethemaut sfa'u dravnath.
He hasn't made their breakfast yet.

As was mentioned in the posting on the genitive, point 5), possessive adjectives are preferred conversationally with the definite article over pronouns in the genitive, which sound literary or quite formal:

chí gefröls sítel

is preferred to

chí gefröls sís

chü pímathakraiks sílík

is preferred to

chü pímathakraiks sílís

As such, the following sentences with genitive forms:

Chí éíails trízhaj la cher'ha hömal?
Where's our luggage?

Sí lé chau ndeftersaut öçkes cha höilkansav klan.
I put your briefcase by the door.

Fökh lö vau krüneglomsaut rhetheng sfa'u dravnath.
He hasn't made their breakfast yet.

while grammatically possible, sound extremely forced and stilted.

b) Conversely, for a noun with the indefinite article, as also touched on in genitive, point 5), pronouns in the genitive are preferred to possessive adjectives:

sí gefröls sís - a book of mine; one of my books

is preferred to

sí gefröls sítel

sí éíails trízhaj - a piece of our luggage; some luggage of ours

is preferred to

sí éíails trízhhatel

While the indefinite article coupled with the possessive adjective has a literary flavor -- perhaps one needs an extra syllable or two to make a line of poetry scan or to round out a line of text to make it feel "just right" -- one may hear it occasionally in conversation. Thus:

Beníamíns la sau zhömauíörs sís nöi. - Benjamin is a friend of mine.

is certainly preferred and predominant in the spoken idiom, but:

Beníamíns la sau zhömauíörs síter nöi.

is not as glaringly awkward in conversation as using the definite article with a genitive pronoun, seen in sentences above, would be.

c) Uses of possessive adjectives vs. genitive pronouns in vocative constructions have their own connotations:

Zhömauíör sís - My friend:

extremely sincere, heartfelt, and intimate; probably some tears are involved; perhaps one of the parties is on their deathbed or about to take their wedding vows; perhaps it's an evening at the bar with too many shots of tneríans with beer chasers (à la "I love you, man!" [:'(] ); rarely used, and almost never if a third person is perceived to be nearby

Zhömauíör (síter) - My friend:

sincere, heartfelt, and intimate; a sign of affection, has a bonding function, and commonly used between the two parties if no one else is around or in earshot

Zhömauíörs síter - My friend:

sincere and heartfelt, but more acceptable for public usage; the most commonly heard and most preferred conversationally when out and about

Zhömauíörs (sís) - My friend:

pretty rare; okay if one's writing an ode, maybe; in spoken usage, an indicator of good will extended to a stranger or new acquaintance (e.g. met on a path with whom one then continues together toward a common destination); people from religious orders may also use this toward those newly met

2) a) When the subject and the possessor in a phrase are the same referent, the possessive adjective is generally not used, especially when context is clear, leaving the heavy lifting to the definite article:

Öçek la cha maralansak höfuzh?
Do you write (to) your mother?

Fökh la ve tögset ba pfetan kalokh.
He can't find his car.

Makhlama la sü warögínaksüt zharíöküt chö díbsök génakh.
We owe our king a great debt.

Fapvau béöbsalufemsaut vangkath.
She didn't finish her homework.

Chö ngarebschö nafsörhebsöt chü jwörtübeksüv elala'u érhaf.
The dog was contentedly gnawing on its bone in the inglenook.

b) In specific understood contexts, the range may extend to a possessor other than the subject:

Öçek lö chük hüksüch hötel?
Have you seen my keys. (In context, "your" or "our" would also be possible interpretations.)

To make things absolutely clear if context is flagging, the possessive adjectives may always be added, though it adds a tone of legalese Party A and Party B.

Öçek la cha maralansak öçkenak höfuzh?
Do you write (to) your mother? (as opposed to mine)

Fökh la vegset fökhöget ba pfetan kalokh.
He can't find his car. (as opposed to mine)

Makhlama la sü warögínaksüt zharíöküt chöbsök makhmalak génakh.
We owe our king a great debt. (as opposed to yours)

Fap lé vau béöbsalufemsaut fapamaut vangkath.
She didn't finish her homework. (as opposed to her brother's)

Chö ngarebs lé chö nafsörhebsöt söböt chü jwörtübeksüv elala'u érhaf.
The dog was contentedly gnawing on its bone in the inglenook. (as opposed to the wolf's)

Öçek lö chük hüksüch sítech hötel?
Have you seen my keys?

Öçek lö chük hüksüch öçkech hötel?
Have you seen your keys?

Öçek lö chük hüksüch makhmalach hötel?
Have you seen our keys?

c) This is also one way to deal with the gay romance novel dilemma. (Peter and John were sitting together on the porch swing when suddenly):

Péterscha thrinsat chí shfolsív thlan.
Peter put his hand on his knee. (Peter put Peter's hand on Peter's knee)

Péterscha thrinsat chí shfolsív sanav thlan.
Peter put his hand on his knee. (Peter put Peter's hand on John's knee)

Péters lé cha thrinsat sananat chí shfolsív sanav thlan.
Peter put his hand on his knee. (Peter put John's hand on John's knee)

Péters lé cha thrinsat sananat chí shfolsív thlan.
Peter put his hand on his knee. (Peter put John's hand on Peter's knee)

3) Substantives of Possessive Adjectives as Possessive Pronouns:

a) Possessive adjectives rendered substantives behave like any other garden variety substantive adjective, so, as with demonstratives, what might be possessive pronouns in other languages are considered simply substantive (possessive) adjectives in Géarthnuns:

Sí lé chö içbdörebsöt öçket, arzhö vö sítekhsöb jökfü, haukröna'u çevrizh.
1SG-NOM AUX.PAST DEF(1) cell.phone(1)-ACC your(1)-ACC, but DEF(1).NEG my.one(1)-POST.NEG instead.of, by.accident-ADV pick.up
I picked up your cell phone instead of mine by accident.

A: Che bleths öçketh la cha thírsensat öçkenat chelöi hömnévöth?
DEF husband(7)-NOM your(7)-NOM AUX.PRES DEF(4) necktie(4)-ACC your(4)-ACC why wear-INTERR
A: Why is your husband wearing your necktie?

U: Vaçte sí la cha sethensat mnévöth.
because 1SG-NOM AUX.PRES DEF(4) his(7).one(4)-ACC wear
U: Because I'm wearing his.

Vböçü skom lé che çülenstörmfailöthset skomathet veçö, kfö trízh lé che trízhhatethset pnolíshuz sho, chau hengers lí sau çülenstörglors zçenprar zhö zçüdölér zverü henöi.
since 2DUAL-NOM AUX.PAST DEF(7) picnic.basket(7)-ACC your(7)-ACC thus, and 1DUAL-NOM AUX.PAST DEF(7) our.one(7)-ACC bring PTCL, DEF(2) this.one(2)-NOM AUX.FUT INDEF picnic(2)-NOM bountiful(2)-NOM and delicious(2)-NOM surely-ADV be-CONCL
Since you've brought your picnic basket and we've brought ours, this is sure to be a bountiful and delicious picnic lunch.

b) In the examples of 3a, both the possessor and the possessee were implicit or understood because they both had antecedents. When the possessee is implicit but the possessor is still explicit because an antecedent has not been established yet, the affix "-he-" is added to the ur-noun of the possessor (no pténíörs), followed appropriate declensional endings. Although there are no corresponding adjectival forms, these forms behave like substantive possessive adjectives in that they agree in declension with their antecedent possessee.

chö dhabhebs - my father's
chö zhömauíör'hebs - my friend's
chö Íöhanhebs - John's

Fí lé vau rhkashefömsaut* ba pfetan kalokh, gaiçö sí lé chau kfainhersaut hehérhöth.
1SG-NOM.NEG AUX.PAST DEF(2).NEG shawl(2)-ACC.NEG PTCL find be.able, so 1SG AUX.PAST DEF(2) sister's.one(2)-ACC borrow-CONCL
I couldn't find my shawl so I borrowed my sister's.

*(The rhkasheförs, translated here as "shawl", is actually a traditional chlamys/chlanis-like garment. While pattern or color choices may entail certain gender statements on the part of its wearer, the rhkasheförs is primarily considered unisex. Like a shawl, the primary function is harnessing a modicum of body heat, but damn if it isn't a fabulous accessory, too. Different materials mean they can be worn year-round, and its long rectangular shape means you can also use it as makeshift groundcover seating for two during summer theatre in the park (classier and more romantic than newspaper) or as a blanket if you end up crashing on a friend's couch because you missed the last subway. Rather a fashionable Linus' blanket. Meant more as a throw-over garment, a fastening brooch is seldom used, unless you want to take it to that next level.)

A: Sí la chü zhgözalöksüt öçket ba hin höhakraikh?
1SG-NOM AUX.PRES DEF(5) lawn.mower(5)-ACC your(5)-ACC PTCL use be.permitted-INTERR
A: May I use your lawn mower?

U: Vaçte chü jvengehanheks la éçüé nöi sho, fí la füdüt fenfek ba trukh swö hekalokh.
because DEF(5) neighbor's.one(5)-NOM AUX.PRES actually-ADV be PTCL, 1SG-NOM.NEG AUX.PRES 3SG-ACC.NEG 2SG-DAT.NEG PTCL lend "unfortunately"-ADV be.able-CONCL
I'm afraid I can't lend it to you because it's actually my neighbor's.

Sak Flaivonapwerinsap Sfönap - Other Example Sentences

Che Maraumníöthseb rathé, Íöhans lé sau rhkasheförsaut cha maralansak veçö, kfalü sí lé sü çéçaulímníaksüt cha sítensak vazh.
DEF Mother's.Day-POST on.the.occasion.of, John-NOM AUX.PAST INDEF shawl-ACC DEF(4) mother(4)-DAT thus, whereas 1SG-NOM AUX.PAST INDEF perfume-ACC DEF(4) my.one(4)-DAT buy
For Mother's Day, John bought his mother a shawl while I bought mine some perfume.

Lexember 1, 2015

Vel helkegsezh la, chethezh la chöik sandwichlatsöich fanfetöich híau kukh sho, faul zhömauíömsauzh fenfes kodo hönöi?! Beth la söl béöbötnéöbsözh gaiçö mva haunöi.
Those (two) people over there snarfing down all the finger sandwiches aren't friends of yours?! They must be gate-crashers then.

Conlang Conversation Thread of June 9, 2015

Sauk tíornathtölörsaup chöstaraup la orha che hengesrethsev „chauk öçkelarsaud bdau” hömal?
INDEF(2).PL created.one(2)-NOM.PL how.many(2)-NOM.PL AUX.PRES and DEF present-LOC DEF(2).PL your.one(2)-POST.PL among be.located-INTERR
And how many created ones (here: conlangs) are currently "among yours"?

Sentence 165 of the Snowball Game

Cha zaríans híaufansab vembö lí cha öçkens mníéí henöi, kfö brinta'u íe öçek lau sö dhaubs hevanöi, ékhlüvars sís!
DEF(4) earth(4)-NOM everything-POST therein AUX.FUT DEF(4) your.one(4)-NOM all-ADV be-CONCL, and important-ADV more-AdADV 2SG-NOM AUX.FUTPRF INDEF man-NOM become-CONCL, son-NOM 1SG-GEN
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it, and - which is more - you'll be a Man my son!

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Lao Kou
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Re: Géarthnuns - The Thread

Post by Lao Kou »

Chík Dvöhakfalsíp - Participles

Chü Tubílíbdönöks - Formation

Participles are considered adjectives, and as such, they follow and agree with the nouns they modify in declension, case, number, and polarity. Yet they also contain a verbal element, such that they are also marked for tense and voice. To form a participle, one 1) takes the citation form of a verb; 2) reverses the relevant shléts for tense and voice and affixes it following; 3) places an interstitial öne; and 4) finally adds the appropriate adjectival endings:


1) gamez-
2) -al-
3) -ö-
4) -b


Complete examples from the present tense:

Present Active: la gamezgamezalöb, gamezalör, gamezalöt, etc. - giving

Present Passive: lat gamezgameztalöb, gameztalör, gameztalöt, etc. - (being) given

Present Dative Passive: lak gamezgamezkalöb, gamezkalör, gamezkalöt, etc. - (being) given

Present Causative: lan gamezgameznalöb, gameznalör, gameznalöt, etc. - making give

Present Causative Passive: lab gamezgamezbalöb, gamezbalör, gamezbalöt, etc. - (being) made to give

Present Reflexive: las gamezgamezsalöb, gamezsalör, gamezsalöt, etc. - giving oneself

Present Impersonal: lav gamezgamezvalöb, gamezvalör, gamezvalöt, etc. - giving

In contemparary usage, three tenses and seven voices are available for participles. As an example, the verb "gamez" is used as it can theoretically fill all of the theoretical slots of the paradigm (most verbs will not be able to do this):

Code: Select all

                  Present                              Present Perfect                            Future

Active            gamezalöb  - giving                  gamezölöb  - having given                  gamezílöb  - about to give
Passive           gameztalöb - (being) given           gameztölöb - (having been) given           gameztílöb - about to be given
Dative Passive    gamezkalöb - (being) given           gamezkölöb - (having been) given           gamezkílöb - about to be given
Causative         gameznalöb - making give             gameznölöb - having made to give           gameznílöb - about to make give
Caus. Passive     gamezbalöb - (being) made to give    gamezbölöb - (having been) made to give    gamezbílöb - about to be made to give 
Reflexive         gamezsalöb - giving oneself          gamezsölöb - having given oneself          gamezsílöb - about to give oneself
Impersonal        gamezvalöth - giving                 gamezvölöth - having given                 gamezvílöth - about to give
N.B.: Verbs ending in "-n" will modify the final "-n" to "-m" when being put into the causative form:

rhanrhannalöbrhamnalöbrhamnalöb - making laugh

ains rhamnalön
- laughing gas

Chü Hínabdönöks - Usage

(Reminder: tfömebs nouns and their adjectives will be glossed with a (1); shövars with a (2); spéngets with a (3); gwílöns with a (4); ndöineks with a (5); nrels with a (6); and fpaukiths with a (7))

1) Simple participial phrases are of the standard noun + adjective type:

sa altens haultölön - a roast, roasted meat [meat having been roasted] (the roasting is over; it's on the table for carving and serving)
sa altens haultalön - a roast, roasting meat [meat being roasted] (the roasting is underway; the roast is in the oven/crockpot)
sa altens haultílön - a roast [meat to be roasted] (if you buy a roast at the market, it will be labelled thus)

Sí lé cha altensat haultölönat chö vgöbsöv dínahaukuzh kfö lan sanat hengeftö söik ngutsöid srem sha ulvan.
I've taken the roast out of the oven and am now letting it sit a few minutes.

Cha altens haultalön hereçken la zçüdöla'u ksalaf!
That roast (in the oven) smells delicious!

Cha hengethlünsav seth lav sak altensach haultílönach saul çörsaug pungeraug sau grampérsaub abo shath.
This week they're selling roasts for two florins a kilo.

sa aléhans röthtölön - laundry [clothes having been washed] (ready to be folded and put away; what am I, your mother?)
sa aléhans röthtalön - laundry [clothes being washed] (rarely used, clothes during a cycle in the washing machine)
sa aléhans röthtílön - laundry [clothes to be washed] (what's festering, fermenting, fomenting rebellion in the hamper)

Öçek lí cha aléhansat röthtílönat che töthsev hauklan sho, sí lí sanat cha hengerhínsav cha aléhanaröthehensav hebeth.
If you put the laundry in the car, I'll take it to the cleaner's this afternoon.

sí içmöls ngövezhbalöl - a collect (phone) call [a phone call (whereby the callee is made to pay)]

Fí lé fí içmöfsít ngövezhbalöt „Baukhsön” klemaz.
I didn't accept a collect call from "Bob".

Chau Zheters Rhanalör - The Laughing Cow - La vache qui rit

♪♫ Vaçte che hengeths la, gü sí la se üthsev ktaiweftölöthev höinzdanez sho, pthön... ♫♪
♪♫ 'Cause it feels just like I'm walking on broken glass... ♫♪

(♪♫ nzdanez, nzdanez, che üthse~~v ♫♪)

2) More complex participial phrases involving direct objects or other elements are introduced by the particle "höi" which alert the listener or reader to wait for a participle to complete the thought:

a) chö dhaubs höi se shirethset chö dnévözhebsöv mölmanalöb
the man singing a song in the park

b) se zharmöths höi chü míngkaksün íezhtölöth
a sweater knit out of wool

c) sí chestals höi sí vílsín, sözçílsín, zhö aléhaníölsín zíaurílíf favönazhtalöl
a bedroom decorated with a red bed, chair, and wardrobe.

The structure of these participial phrases is extremely similar to that of relative clauses:

a) chö dhaubs, chöb lé se shirethset chö dnévözhebsöv mölman
the man who was singing a song in the park

b) se zharmöths, cheth löt chü míngkaksün íezh
a sweater which has been knit out of wool

c) sí chestals chíl lat sí vílsín, sözçílsín, zhö aléhaníölsín zíaurílíf favönazh
a bedroom that is decorated with a red bed, chair, and wardrobe.

however, as sentences become more complex, participial phrases are considered preferable stylistically, especially in written and prepared speech registers:

Chau frenadéngers höi cha sünsan kröné í tailepiztölör lét ngé shabutel.
The border only recently opened by the authorities was closed again.

Chí seböls lé sauk íalörsauch höi sí vbulsít chau gersauv sauk zhabalörsaush sük akraiksüd ush shathalörauch zçírhef, kfö lé saurauch chü sebölímarangíksüv nízhakh.
The police found some people selling merchandise in stalls in the street without permits and took them to the police station.

To this end, there is a now obsolete-to-archaic participial form from the past tense. It is best translated with a relative clause or, perhaps, the present perfect participle:

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Active            gamezélöb  - that gave, having given
Passive           gameztélöb - that was given, (having been) given
Dative Passive    gamezkélöb - that was given, (having been) given
Causative         gameznélöb - that made to give, having made to give
Caus. Passive     gamezbélöb - that was made to give, (having been) made to give 
Reflexive         gamezsélöb - that gave to oneself, having given oneself
Impersonal        gamezvélöth - that gave, having given
It was used in sentences like this:

Söb chü tírvöksüt ndrikhélöb mente chü síürksüv semegüf lé.
Then he who killed the monster wended his way to the castle.

Presented merely as a point of interest, this past participle is archaic usage, and the gentle reader is not encouraged to use such forms unless one plans on roaming forest and vale with a lute or making a cheesy fantasy film starring David Warner.

3) If the participial phrase is fronted, "höi" is usually dropped, especially if there are other particles or conjunctions:

Gü seth lé che hengedalthsev nzhí höifun sho ngamathvölöth, seth lév ngé ökh.
Having said that it would rain today, they got it wrong again.

Ba vangketh vangkathölöthezh, trízh lé chö kfelubsöb veng ba vömnünzdanez gnaröl.
Having finished eating dinner, we decided to take a walk by the lake.

(Höi) Chau neskersauv huthalör mbéöleu, chaurs lé sí völsít ftakhtölít che anfpéthsev zçöz.
Hanging low in the sky, the sun cast a mysterious light on the goldenrod.

4) Participles as Substantives:

a) Like most other adjectives, participles can be made into nouns by adding the substantive to the nominative participle. When there is an explicit antecedent, the participial noun agrees with it in declension. In English, this often translates as "PTCP one(s)". From above:

chö mölmanalöbs - the singing one
che íezhtölöths - the knit(ted) one
chí favönazhtalöls - the decorated one
chau rhanalörs - the laughing one

Indeed, in the case of roasts and laundry, when the context is clear (which is most of the time), the most common way to talk about these is to use the participial noun:

Sí lé cha haultölönsat chö vgöbsöv dínahaukuzh kfö lan sanat hengeftö söik ngutsöid srem sha ulvan.
I've taken the roast out of the oven and am now letting it sit a few minutes.

Cha haultalöns hereçken la zçüdöla'u ksalaf!
That roast (in the oven) smells delicious!

Cha hengethlünsav seth lav sak haultílönsach saul çörsaug pungeraug sau grampérsaub abo shath.
This week they're selling roasts for two florins a kilo.

Öçek lí cha röthtílönsat che töthsev hauklan sho, sí lí sanat cha hengerhínsav cha aléhanaröthehensav hebeth.
If you put the laundry in the car, I'll take it to the cleaner's this afternoon.

b) Certain participles made substantives in the ndöineks declension, with its "mechanical" underpinnings, have become set expressions for various machines or appliances:

içftaukathalöks - teletype
bduzhefalöks - fire extinguisher
ksenalöks - blender
shtözalöks - refrigerator
zhgözalöks - lawn mower
rhküvözalöks - typewriter
horauhaulalöks - toaster

(N.B.: Additional examples will be edited in as they are found in the lexicon.)

Others in the fpaukiths declension, linked to the suffix "-bauths" refer to various people:

bduzhefalöths - firefighter
pímathalöths - traveller
tfarekhalöths - blackmailer
shavalalöths - driver
ftorahathnalöths - hijacker
zhvétaufalöths - (co-)conspirator
nadíersizalöths - immigrant

(N.B.: Additional examples will be edited in as they are found in the lexicon.)

Any participle which takes the shövars declension ending "-rs" potentially becomes the equivalent of an English gerund:

shkefözalörs - swimming
içftaukathalörs - teletyping
zmétrapwafalörs - hiking
nlasunalörs - serving, waiting on
ksalafalörs - smelling

but more on these in a subsequent post...

Sak Flaivonapwerinsap Sfönap - Other Example Sentences

From Queen Elizabeth's 2013 Christmas Message:

Che fansömöthsev che jdaiöthsev hengethev vímezçü, makhlama la orha chök dhaubsöch zhö chöik sasatsöich höi cha haransab jövü chík zgepralsísh makhmalalísh nlavezhalöthech híau tlöth.
DEF every.year-LOC DEF time-LOC this-LOC especially, 1PL-NOM AUX.PRES and DEF(1).PL man(1)-ACC.PL and DEF(3).PL woman(3)-ACC.PL PTCL DEF sea-POST beyond DEF.PL military.force-LOC.PL 1PL.POSS.ADJ-LOC.PL serve.PRESPTCP(7)-ACC.PL all-ADV think
And especially at this time of year we think of the men and women serving overseas in our armed forces.

Talking about swimming things:

Chö víöbs pezalöb la chü mníaksüv shkeföz.
DEF(1) fish(1)-NOM living(1)-NOM AUX.PRES DEF water-LOC swim
The living fish swims in the water.

Söl víöbsözh pezalözh, sö vzaurhebs, zhö söik flízütsöip zçaunetöip la chü mníaksüv shkeföz.
INDEF(1).DUAL fish(1)-NOM.DUAL living(1)-NOM.DUAL, INDEF hedgehog-NOM, and INDEF.PL reindeer-NOM.PL some-NOM.PL AUX.PRES DEF water-LOC swim
Two living fish, a hedgehog and some reindeer swim in the water.
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