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Re: but

Post by Iyionaku »

chridd wrote:Image Lwaitel
Naun lúlek úni, útwek lúim úni yátleng hu'an.
[ˌnaʊn ˈlu.lə̆k ˈu.ɲɨ, ˈu.twʊ̆k ˌlʊɨm ˈu.ɲɨ ˈjæt.lŋ̩ ˈʍɑn]
go-PROX walk not, but VERB-OBV not want EXPERIENCER=PROX.
He didn't walk, but he didn't want to.

Naun lúlek úni, u naun táles.
[ˌnaʊn ˈlu.lə̆k ˈu.ɲɨ, u ˌnaʊn ˈta.lə̆s]
go-PROX walk not, rather go-PROX run.
He didn't walk, but he ran.
Is there an etymological correlation between útwek and u? Like, is -twek a productive suffix (or used to be) for indifference or such? Or are the two just different morphemes that start with the same sound coincidentally?
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Re: but

Post by chridd »

Iyionaku wrote:Is there an etymological correlation between útwek and u?
Sort of... I didn't do any sort of diachronic conlanging with this language, and I made the word útwek first, and later (when I created the word u) decided it came from u (which was formerly ut) and twak; twak is a discourse particle that means something like "something that you'd expect to be implied from this sentence isn't true".
~ chri d. d. /ʧɹɪ.di.di/ (Phonotactics, schmphonotactics) · they (for now, at least) · My conlangs · Searchable Index Diachronica
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Re: but

Post by Imralu »

:tan: Swahili:

Hakutembea, lakini hakutaka kutembea.
ha-ku-tembe-a | lakini ha-ku-tak-a ku-tembe-a
NEG.1-NEG.PST-walk-Ø | but NEG.1-NEG.PST-want-Ø INF-walk-Ø

He didn't walk, but he didn't want to walk.

Hakutembea, bali alikimbia.
ha-ku-tembe-a | bali a-li-kimbi-a
NEG.1-NEG.PST-walk-Ø | but.rather 1-PST-run-Ø

He didn't walk but ran.
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Re: but

Post by Znex »

Aszev wrote:Han gick inte, men det ville han ändå inte.
He didn't walk, but he didn't want to anyway.

Han gick inte, utan sprang.
He didn't walk, but ran.
Comparing with the Swedish here.

:con: Yorkish
Han gi'ck ganne, ennae han gi'ck wille hwarsam.
/han cɪk kan | ɛ'nɛa han cɪk wɪl 'ʍarsɪm/
3MSG PST.AUX=NEG walk | however 3MSG PST.AUX=NEG want_to anyway
He didn't walk, but he didn't want to anyway.

Han gi'ck ganne, ut loupt.
/han cɪk kan | ʊt lʊət/
3MSG PST.AUX=NEG walk | but run.PST
He didn't walk, but ran.

More archaically: (and 1:1 in syntax to Swedish this time)
Hann gent ikk, en that will hann entha ikk.
Hann gent ikk, ut leop.
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Re: but

Post by Batz »

:con: Naguil

Undeligh y, feon kendu ykue.
/ʊn'deːliç 'yː | 'fɛ.on 'kʰɛndu y'kwɛː/
Un-del-igh y, ferg-un kend-u y-kue.
3SG.M/F-go.forward-PST NEG, hold-TMP want-CVB NEG-also.
He/She did not go (there), but wanting neither.

feon means "but" and comes from fergun = "with a hold"

Undeligh y, alaon salu.
/ʊn'deːliç 'yː | a'laʊn 'saːlu/
Un-del-igh y, a-lamb-un sal-u.
3SG.M/F-go.forward-PST NEG, DEF.ART-opposite-TMP run-CVB.
He/She did not go (there), but running.

alaon means "opposite / to the contrary" and comes from alambun = "with the opposite"
:deu:: mother tongue | :eng:: fluent (at work) | :swe:: room for improvement | :fra:: 2nd foreign lang in school | :chn:: poor
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