Weird Dream Thread

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Re: Weird Dream Thread

Post by eldin raigmore »

I had another nightmare; in this one I saw my daughter hit by a car. (In real life, years before I met my ex-wife and a good decade-and-a-half before my daughter was born, I actually did see a kid get hit by a car.)

And I had another weird dream. I was on a school bus carrying kids of all ages. I was standing at the front holding on to a strap like they have on subways talking to the bus drivers (there were two of them). I could see in the back of the bus my younger sister who had my nephew in a stroller (he was about the same age in my dream that my sister's grandsons are in real life). Although my dream-self was relatively slender (not the 65% (130#) overweight my real-life-self is), the high-school kids all had to keep squeezing past me. The drivers seemed to know everything about the kids, all of whom seemed to like them. I was conversing with the drivers about how to raise kids. They both had "Mr. Rogers"-style voices.
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Re: Weird Dream Thread

Post by Shemtov »

I keep having dreams that I'm sent back in time to fight Nazis with future tech.
Last night I dreamt that me and my freinds realized when we arrived in the 40s that we needed to pretend to be Nazis for "The Mission" to go successfully, and we had an argument on what to do about the fact that one of my friends could never fake being a Nazi.
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Re: Weird Dream Thread

Post by kanejam »

eldin raigmore wrote:I had another nightmare; in this one I saw my daughter hit by a car. (In real life, years before I met my ex-wife and a good decade-and-a-half before my daughter was born, I actually did see a kid get hit by a car.)
I'm sorry to hear that and hope you're all right. Dreams like that with close relatives dying can be very rattling, I really hate it when it happens and am thankful it happens very rarely.
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Re: Weird Dream Thread

Post by eldin raigmore »

kanejam wrote:I'm sorry to hear that and hope you're all right. Dreams like that with close relatives dying can be very rattling, I really hate it when it happens and am thankful it happens very rarely.
Since her mom (my ex-wife) died in January* I've dreamed several variants, where she died differently or someone else died. Most nights no such dream, though. So, yes, I'm fine, at least once I wake up.

I think, maybe, it's just my sub-conscious wondering whether and how I would handle such situations.
Edit: * Gayle died in January of last year (2013), not January of this year (2014).
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Re: Weird Dream Thread

Post by Mardigny »

eldin raigmore wrote:I had another nightmare; in this one I saw my daughter hit by a car. (In real life, years before I met my ex-wife and a good decade-and-a-half before my daughter was born, I actually did see a kid get hit by a car.)
I'm sorry to hear that. It didn't happen recently, but I had a dream where I saw my mother get shot. I was half-convinced it was real when I awoke and when I saw her that morning I don't think I've hugged another person harder in my life.
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Re: Weird Dream Thread

Post by eldin raigmore »

Mardigny wrote:
eldin raigmore wrote:I had another nightmare; in this one I saw my daughter hit by a car. (In real life, years before I met my ex-wife and a good decade-and-a-half before my daughter was born, I actually did see a kid get hit by a car.)
I'm sorry to hear that. It didn't happen recently, but I had a dream where I saw my mother get shot. I was half-convinced it was real when I awoke and when I saw her that morning I don't think I've hugged another person harder in my life.
I know what you mean.
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Re: Weird Dream Thread

Post by Shemtov »

I dreamt last night that Arnold Swartzaneger played a Native American miner/wagon-driver who was shot by racist rednecks.
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Re: Weird Dream Thread

Post by Ahzoh »

I had a weird dream today, I should note to you beforehand that I didn't know ANYONE in this dream, they were completely random and unknown.
Powerful hover-craft-like drones are everywhere bombing anyone who isn't in their house or anyone in that house that moves suspiciously. Everyone in constant fear, you never know if they will fire at you. Everytime a drone flies past, everyone is ducking for cover and everytime a drone fires, we duck for cover.

I wanted to work on creating my font today, but could not. Somehow as I was moving from my house it turns into a random classroom in a random school, suddenly I look over to another classroom that seems to be outside, and I find my binder, to which I said "my binder is missing!"

Then a drone (from overhead, I couldn't see it) suddenly fires at a corner of the building outside, that also happens to be right next to outside class room. There is a fence between this classroom and said building corner.
Suddenly I see some random girl outside with her leg on fire, she is using what looks like rain to put out the fire. Then I see some smaller drones, and someone exclaims "They're using weaker ones!" And I see these drones attaching to houses and carrying them off.

Then I woke up.
I don't want to jump to conclusions, but I think this may have something to do with the apparent police state that the US is becoming.
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Re: Weird Dream Thread

Post by Egerius »

This dream is fresh, weird and contains (AFAIK) legit Italian:
I am in a university, in the bathroom area.
I don't want to flush anything down; I have been nominated for the icebucket challenge as the only male in the whole campus!
The bathroom looks familiar - just like my former school's male bathroom, but with dark green tiles and without urinaries.

It is my turn: I open a stall and a young woman holding the bucket filled with iced water. I have to put my phone into a bracket on the door to film myself.

I have to sit down on the toilet (with the lid down) and face the challenge.
I hear people speaking, indistinct words which yet I can identify as Italian - am I in Florence, Rome, Cagliari?

Before I experience the cold running down my back, I hold a short speech, partly in Italian, partly in English, about the discrimination of women by this challenge.
I nominate three men and the water is poured out above my head and I scream as it touches my head, cold, yet somehow a pleasure - is it a hot summer?
I take the blue bucket, take out a piece of ice and lay it on my neck - it really must be a very hot summer!

Then I wake up.
Languages of Rodentèrra: Buonavallese, Saselvan Argemontese; Wīlandisċ Taulkeisch; More on the road.
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Re: Weird Dream Thread

Post by Lambuzhao »

I had a dream last night that I was watching the new Doctor Who. It was a new episode involving the Vogons Zygons.
Peter Capaldi was the Doctor, but he was dressed differently - the exact same wardrobe as Peter Cushing's doctor (!) Now that would be a crossover!

Even if they did a split-screen, with Capaldi playing his own role, and also Cushing's version of the Doctor~!

Just a fanboy dream... :roll:
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Re: Weird Dream Thread

Post by Egerius »

Lambuzhao, that reminds me my DW dream where I've been kidnapped by the First Doctor (Hartnell, the original) to 1997, crash-landing in the Buckingham Pallace (not in France).
The Doctor behaves more and more weird (like the fourth) as time goes on and begins to sound like the Second Doctor when I'm fed up sitting in the TARDIS.

The Doctor runs into another room in the TARDIS and regenerates into the Second Doctor and the doors open - on the other side is the real Second Doctor, the Third and two of my conpeople.
The false "Doctor" is being arrested after the camouflage fails and the Time Meddler's face is unvailed.

I am told that the Time Meddler stole the Doctor's TARDIS to prevent so many important events (Lady Di's death among them) that he can proclaim King of Great Britain himself by 2015 (to expell the real Doctor from Earth).

The two Doctors had to use my conpeople's TEDRES (Tèmpu Et Dimendione Relative Eno Spaço) to find me and the Time Meddler.

As I go into my conpeople's TEDRES and see silver, octagonal tiles, I wake up.

Fun fact: The view switched from black and white (when looking at the false First/Second Doctor) to colour (when looking at the TARDIS' interior or other persons).
Last edited by Egerius on 04 Oct 2014 21:19, edited 1 time in total.
Languages of Rodentèrra: Buonavallese, Saselvan Argemontese; Wīlandisċ Taulkeisch; More on the road.
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Re: Weird Dream Thread

Post by eldin raigmore »

I should write this post in Cyrillic.
I hope to do so later, but I'm afraid I'll forget to post at all if I don't go ahead and post in the Latin alphabet now.
(My Safari got unfuckably fucked up and I had to switch to an ID that doesn't have any of my old options, like extra alphabets. I'll recover them, but it'll take time I don't have now and ingenuity I'm too tired for now.)

Anyway: Sometimes I dream in Cyrillic.
Since I never finished studying Russian well enough to dream in Russian, and I never studied any of the other natlangs that use Cyrillic at all, this means I dream English written in Cyrillic.
(Why don't I dream French and/or German written in Cyrillic? I've actually gotten along in French -- though the French Wikipedia editors don't think I've done well enough -- and I've sort of accidentally caught the gist of conversations in German.)

Well, that's it. I realize it would be more impressive if I transcribed it into the Cyrillic alphabet. Hey, maybe I could do it in Katekana or the Tamil alphasyllabary or Devanagari too!
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Re: Weird Dream Thread

Post by Birdlang »

I have had a bunch of very strange dreams.
One involves aliens driving evil robots.
The robots are bodylips which are pink fuzzy donuts rolling around chanting their name, Oinker which is Thomas the Tank Engine driven by Porky the Pig, it talks like Donald Duck, Vortex, who looks somewhat like a Dalek, who can push you. The Lion and the Fox, who have Donald Duck's voice, and look like multicolored broccoli with arms and legs made out of ketchup solidified.
They were going to be stopped though, by a bird named Pigeon Master, who is a Pigeon by ethnicity.
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Re: Weird Dream Thread

Post by Prinsessa »

I was woken up by cats just six minutes before the alarm I had set was about to go off, but was stupid enough to go back to sleep for another two hours – again. I've been trying to fix my sleeping pattern for days now, to no avail.

As punishment, a weird dream was brought upon me. I was accompanied by some others, including my girlfriend. Nobody would really pay any attention to me, as is often the case in my dreams. For some reason it was like a field trip, where someone had the leading role. We were on a bus.

Soon we had to get off. I lacked both shoes and socks, and did not wish to get out into the pouring rain. Again, nobody listened. I tried to get my girlfriend to come back with me on the bus, to the house from which we had come, but she wasn't paying attention. They all disappeared into the rain.

I tried to ask the driver whether the bus was going to be returning the other way after having reached its current destination, but the answer was no. I tried to find the corresponding bus stop on the other side of the street. It was far away and took me a while to spot. I went there.

I was suddenly ambushed. One of the two stuck a knife in my neck. Not my throat, but the side of my neck. The bus arrived as I was lying on the ground. I struggled and managed to get into the bus while guns were being fired off my way.

Apparently I wasn't dying and I was trying to figure out whether I should be going to the hospital or back to the house. I was thinking I should be getting back to the house at first and consult the people I knew there.

The bus had started driving, and I realised I wasn't even sure whether this were the right one; whether it would even reach the stop by the house. I realised I didn't remember the name of the stop I was supposed to get off at either. I figured I should just call back to the house and ask. I grabbed my phone, only to find that it had been permanently locked due to too many attempts to unlock it.

I tried to ask someone else to let me borrow theirs, but again I was invisible. I finally got ahold of someone's phone, but it was broken.

And I suppose I woke up some time after that. No resolution. Quite a regular dream when it comes to me.
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Re: Weird Dream Thread

Post by sangi39 »

Not exactly weird, but it's a dream I can remember, which is in and of itself quite weird, especially recently.

Basically, I went into town with the girl I've been seeing (let's call her L) and went into the butchers. There, while talking to one of the butchers as he was getting his hair cut, I was trying to choose what tattoo I wanted, the upturned pentagram of Dimmu Borgir on the back of my neck, or Mjölnir, as if it were hanging like a pendant, in the same place. Eventually I settled for a compromise, while discussion the price of sausages with L, getting Mjölnir on the back of my neck, and a small, less decorate pentagram, on the inside of each wrist (the side adjacent to the palm). We also tried to figure out if you can tattoo over fairly large scars [:P]

The imagery in this dream is pretty easy to work out, and hardly subtle. I'm growing my hair again, so people are telling me to get it cut and have a shave as well. I've been contemplating getting a tattoo now for about a year, and I've been wondering, just in case one tattoo isn't enough (I know a few tattoo "addicts"), whether it would be possible to tattoo over a series of scars I have on my arms just lower than my shoulders. And I think we can all guess what discussing the price of sausage might represent... Yep, that's right, I woke up hungry [:P]
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Re: Weird Dream Thread

Post by Birdlang »

A recent dream I had was in a toy exchange store in Pigeonland (my conworld's largest economy and exports). I got toys for the preschool. The toys we got included a vinyl Unfezant that makes the same sound as those rubber chickens on YouTube, a teddy bear with laser missiles that are plastic, and a rubber seagull, a bunch of vinyl Unfezant with sound. These toys were all vintage. The children LOVED them!!! And they got to take the bunch of Vinyl Unfezant home. That left 10 of the set there. For my band members and me.
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Re: Weird Dream Thread

Post by qwed117 »

When I was extremely little, I dreamt that aliens were invading Earth, and attacking school playgrounds. When they zapped a person, only their socks would remain. (This qualifies as my weirdest dream, too, but I've had worse, including choking to death, burning to death from being buried in lava, being chased by the ghosts from pacman) So I had to become the ambassador to the aliens, and I go to the moon and make peace, and then it abruptly ends with a bright light (the sun)
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Re: Weird Dream Thread

Post by Egerius »

I dreamt that I was browsing the Internet. [O.o]
I was browsing a conlang-Wiki and found a language that seemed to me like a mix of Campidanese (or Gallurese) Sardinian and Corsican with French words!

I can recall the word 'faeddu' within words beginning with <d>, so I was browsing a badly organised lexicon.

And in contrary to what people say about reading in dreams, I could read the whole page, even the blue Wika logo and my Mac's menu bar.

But before I could see the sound changes or the morphology, I woke up. [:(]
Languages of Rodentèrra: Buonavallese, Saselvan Argemontese; Wīlandisċ Taulkeisch; More on the road.
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Re: Weird Dream Thread

Post by Egerius »

And another dream happening in the internet: I dreamt that someone on the CBB praised my conlang(s), describing Buonavallese as "well researched and very well done, also aesthetically and lexically close to Italian", while saying my conworld was "an Earth of Mice in place of Man, not as well done as the 'langs". [O.o]

Later I dreamt that I was at a class reunion, opened two British Christmas crackers labelled "HP" and "Yu-Gi-Oh".
Immediately afterwards Voldemort stood on the other side of a long floor, in a costume resembling that of the "Dark Magician" card from the Yu-Gi-Oh game.
And guess what, Voldemort began throwing these cards at me! [o.O]
Languages of Rodentèrra: Buonavallese, Saselvan Argemontese; Wīlandisċ Taulkeisch; More on the road.
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Re: Weird Dream Thread

Post by Runomso »

To be honest, all dreams I had were weird. There is no "normal" one among them.
I had the weirdest one when I was like 11. I had to catch the school bus and I had too run because I was really late. Though I actually knew the way, somehow I got lost. Everywhere grew rose hip but the way I walked was still paved. Suddenly my maths teacher appeared and said "Nothing is as it seems" and then disappeared. I walked a little farther until I walked into two slides - those you know from a playground - which were made of steal. I still hadn't that much time so I wanted to use them. But then they jumped up high and said "Go back or we will eat you!" (Yes, the slides jumped and talked to me.) I screamed and ran away. I woke up and was scared though I knew it was dumb.
The End [:D]
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