Word for 'chicks'

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Zé do Rock
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Word for 'chicks'

Post by Zé do Rock »


pro main europix mi serche la slang vord pro meninas in al europano nacionale linguas. In inglishe lu 'chicks', in braziliano portugaliano lu 'gata' (female cat), in franciano lu 'souris' (maus), in deutshe lu 'hase' (hare, bunny). In espaniano lu no la word pro un animal, 'chicas', lu signifi simpli 'la minimas'. Google, deepl e diccionaris rarli mostra ta word, dat is, lus can tradui 'chicks', mas oni neva sa si lus wole sei el animal o la girl... algi can helpe mi?

for my europix i'm looking for the slang words for 'girls' in all european national languages. In inglish it is 'chicks', in brazilian portuguese it is 'gata' (feemale cat), in french it is 'souris' (mouse), in german it is 'hase' (hare, bunny). In spanish it is not the word for an animal, 'chicas', wich just meen the little ones. Google, deepl and dictionaries rarely show this word, ie they can translate 'chicks', but yu never know wether they meen the annimal or the girl... can sum-one help me?

E: in braziliano portugalian ai a slang mo pro a man ki sim dobro, lu 'pâo' (brod). Ai algu similar in otre linguas?
And: in brazilian portuguese thare is a slang for a good looking man, it is pâo (bred). Is thare sumthing simmilar in uther languages?
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Re: Word for 'chicks'

Post by Iyionaku »

FYI, German "Hase" isn't used in the sense "chicks" is in English. Rather, it's a pet name for your significant other, akin to "darling". In the sense of "chicks", more commonly used words are "Mädels" (just a synonym of Mädchen "girl", but with a double-marked plural) or anglizisms such as "Girls" or "Ladys" (note the incorporated spelling of the plural with -ys instead of the English -ies).

Second, given that you're looking for words of natlangs as opposed to conlangs, I would suggest that you move this thread to the "Linguistics & Natlangs" section. You might receive more answers there.
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Re: Word for 'chicks'

Post by Salmoneus »

I'd also note that not only is English "chicks" for "young women" mostly offensive, it also makes you sound like a 1980s American yuppie. [the connotations of "chick" for one woman may be slightly different, and certainly if it's used in the vocative]

This demonstrates the bigger problem with these terms, which is that this sort of slang shifts extremely quickly and rapidly becomes dated (and regionalised/class-specific*), as well as obviously being offensive, and potentially very offensive in the wrong crowd. [eg for some young people today, including some women, "bitches" is a common non-offensive word for young women (and sometimes even young men), but it would also get you punched or reported to the police if you used it in a different sociolectical context].

*eg the working class English word is/was traditionally "birds", not "chicks". [although a century ago birds were (often older) men, not (usually young) women]. And where Americans might traditionally call a woman a 'bitch' to insult her, in England for a long time (but probably no longer, at least in my part of the country) she'd have been called a 'bint' instead (althouh the connotations are different).


The traditional term for attractive men is "hunk", although I don't know if anyone actually uses that non-ironically anymore. There's a bunch of different words, but I'm not sure what young women actually use these days. It probably changes annually.
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Re: Word for 'chicks'

Post by pizua »

I'm gonna assume you're brazilian judging by your username, your conlang and your english

Aí mano, não tenho certeza se 'gata' é uma boa tradução pra 'chick', pelas razões que o cara acima disse. Acho que algo tipo 'novinha' ou 'mina' se encaixa melhor.

E pro masculino, a única que eu conheço seria 'galã', mas daí é problema meu [xD]
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