Weird Dream Thread

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Re: Weird Dream Thread

Post by decem »

I had two nice dreams about two nice guys a couple of nights ago. It made me happy :roll:
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Re: Weird Dream Thread

Post by Creyeditor »

Last night I dreamed that I was travelling to America to marry a woman. I could not afford the flight, so I had to travel with a youth group, which means that I had to participate in daily short trips. The scenery changed between family celebrations with a lot of people in a labyrinth-like room, which was the only one in the house of my future-wife, and the daily trips. In fact, the youth organization was a secret corporation to cause young people to become criminals. We were given a gun and then put into a room with some men holding us at gunpoint, so we had no other choice than to kill these men. We travelled back with a bus across a lake and I lost my two jackets in that bus (winter coats, and it was summer) but I found them again and took them with me. The next day I was rewarded for not loosing my two jackets by the gangster boss. He gave me a golden coin. When I had left the building, I noticed that it was hollow and I would be to smuggle something with it. Then I woke up.
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Re: Weird Dream Thread

Post by MrKrov »

La. mbuzhao wrote:1) Do you live/have lived on a farmhouse at all?
A quasi-farm kinda place: a handful of pigs way back or a ~dozen chickens now.
2) Do you like farming, or would you have ever wanted to live on a farm?
3) Are the victim-animals actually "pets", or just animals on the farm?
Usually dogs, mostly the perma-outside ones and there's about twice as many as in real life.
4) Are there many "pets"? Like, too many over which to keep a close watch?
Only if trying to watch both the dogs and the chickens from the house between them simultaneously in which case a second person would be required.
5) Did you ever have/do you have/would you like to have - a pet reptile?
6) Did the alligator sneak in during the day or at night?
Only ever discovered during the day.
7) Did you witness (you know, kind of objective/omniscient oneiric viewpoint)
the alligator actually sneaking in, or just first-person catch him/her in the act
or leaving?
Usually as a participant with the camera a foot or two behind my head, it appearing after me noticing half a dog missing, a broken fence and/or the part of the backyard between the house, dogs kennels and shed having become a mini-marsh before the always fail-to-get-me ambush.

I wonder if it's worth saying the last dream had it standing up against a fence with the front feet reaching over. My mom was yelling at my twin for not taking the damn cleaver and fucking chopping the foot to our left off. Asshole! Just fucking do it! One swipe! The head is in no way able to reach you! Fuck, you useless piece of shit!!! Because he's terrible at following the simplest instructions in real life. Fucking *****.
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Re: Weird Dream Thread

Post by Pirka »

MrKrov wrote:My mom was yelling at my twin for not taking the damn cleaver and fucking chopping the foot to our left off. Asshole! Just fucking do it! One swipe! The head is in no way able to reach you! Fuck, you useless piece of shit!!! Because he's terrible at following the simplest instructions in real life. Fucking *****.
Would your mother actually say those things, or do you think that was a manifestation of your frustration at him?
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Re: Weird Dream Thread

Post by Shemtov »

I had a dream where I went back to my old neighborhood, too discover that the was a cabal of Vietnamese people who were kidnapping the neighborhoods children to a. teach them the Vietnamese alphabet, and b. cover a field in the neighborhood with tar.
Many children make up, or begin to make up, imaginary languages. I have been at it since I could write.
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Re: Weird Dream Thread

Post by Ambrisio »

Was the Vietnamese alphabet in your dream in any way different from the real thing? If so, you can use it in a conlang called Chiêmbao (which is Vietnamese for 'dream').
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Re: Weird Dream Thread

Post by MrKrov »

Pirka wrote:Would your mother actually say those things, or do you think that was a manifestation of your frustration at him?
Probably with one or two less profanities and more passive-aggressive and self-induced “I guess nobody cares. I'll just do it by myself.” martyrdom, but otherwise both.
One wouldn't think somebody that went to college for even a little bit would be unable to grasp the words “Let go!” and “STOP! STOP! GAAAAAH!”. (It is possible he really just likes to hold to heavy concrete lids after it stops being necessary cause he's a malevolent shit.)
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Re: Weird Dream Thread

Post by Lambuzhao »

Ambrisio wrote:Was the Vietnamese alphabet in your dream in any way different from the real thing? If so, you can use it in a conlang called Chiêmbao (which is Vietnamese for 'dream').

I can count the number of dreams (that I can recall) that have to do with my :con: on one hand. I usually wake up with great frustration in that, in my dream, I might have been staring at pages of vocab, text, or something actually written in the :con: (a magazine, a book, a flyer), beyond whatever I could have done alone, but I cannot for the life of me remember any of what it said. Except for one dream, in which I was in the 7th or 8th grade (in the dream) and taking a music final exam (or a final exam in my old school's music room). At any rate, my mind was wandering and I started to draw a map of Rozwiland, and write all these place names: cities, towns, geographical features. Some I had already known, but many I never even heard of. I was writing them in the Rozwi "alphabet" as easily as English.
I was able to remember a handful of words.

Uuuuuuuuy! How frustrating!

When will those dream-recorders be up and running???

Huh, in the words of comedian Lews Black, "They'll exist on the exact day after I die".
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Re: Weird Dream Thread

Post by Shemtov »

Ambrisio wrote:Was the Vietnamese alphabet in your dream in any way different from the real thing? If so, you can use it in a conlang called Chiêmbao (which is Vietnamese for 'dream').
I don't know much about the Vietnamese alphabet, but it did have that weird d with a line and the digraph <ph> for [f]
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Re: Weird Dream Thread

Post by Dormouse559 »

I dreamed that I was walking in a public place (maybe a school campus) when a man with a weapon grabbed me and threatened me. He had a crazed look in his eye, and I was scared for my life. Finally though, he let me go. I still didn't feel safe, so I went around the building I was standing beside and hid inside a room, locking the door behind me.

Then, my perspective switched outside of the building, though physically I was still inside (I think). The man came around the corner and began to pry the door open, yelling for me. Before he managed to get in I reached out my hand (from my perspective outside of the building, but I was still inside the building, right? Gosh, this is confusing. Out-of-body experience? Two places at once?) and took his hand. He seemed surprised, and I don't think he could see me. I led him away from the door, and he quietly left.

The End.
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Re: Weird Dream Thread

Post by rickardspaghetti »

I have these weird recurring dreams where I'm in a city I don't know. It feels kinda familiar, as I'm apparently able to find my way in it using public transit and such, but it's definitely not home.
One moment I can be in a store buying a drink, while the next moment I can be in a big mall or in an industrial area in the city's outskirts.
These dreams are very uncomfortable and depressing, but I wouldn't consider them nightmares since they aren't scary.
I feel like I'm trying to find my way home or to some appointment, like a class or something. I seem to run late alot, if I make it there at all. [:S]
They cause me serious anxiety.

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Re: Weird Dream Thread

Post by Ànradh »

Probably the most detailed dream I've ever had, it's also interesting how often I'm able to recognise where it's borrowed its details from (including music videos I haven't seen since I was about 13). It also includes details of places you guys have probably never been, but meh.
Kind of rambly, sorry; I was trying to get it all down before forgetting it. I might modify it into a short-story, mainly because I get to play the part of some kind of precognitive ninja...
Three scenes:
-driving an armoured truck, customised by ‘us’ (whoever ‘we’ are), through hordes of ‘shamblers’, who are too stupid to get out of the way and don’t even seem to realise we’re driving over them, along an otherwise mostly abandoned motorway through a city at night and arguing with Hank, who is pissed that I keep asking if him if he was bitten. Hank has a moustache and stubble, and a flattop. His hair is red-brown and he’s big, in a soft way, not muscular, but not fat either. He’s otherwise very square and solid looking. The truck seems to have a curtained living area behind us.

-alone, driving a customised scouting motorcycle (again built by ‘us’), low and long, with very wide wheels. Predicting an ambush (I’m either very smart or simply psychic) by ‘runners’ (fast, shrieking zombies like the runners in the Last of Us) in a town of white-washed buildings I was going to scavenge from, I turn around and leave the other random scavengers to take the hit, allowing me to leave. It’s day time, the street I’m on slopes steeply downwards; to leave, I turn on it and drive back up, then left along a narrow, one-lane street with dense ivy covering a high wall to my right. The lane curves sharply left, under a low arched bridge made of brick and comes out in an area with footpaths roaming through lots of trees, grassed areas and old, brick buildings (it ‘feels’ like the area of Cumbernauld past the Town Centre, behind the police station etc).

-Hank, Jules (a women who looks like the girl in the Last Train Home video by Lost Prophets) and I are in an abandoned, modern-looking, suburban house filled with junk; we’re collecting our scavenged stuff and preparing to leave. The room is a long living room, with a utility room partially sectioned off to one side, with the blinds down and the sun providing low-level light through the windows. The furnishings are soft and in a pale grey-blue, like the carpet. The walls are white. The living room is to my left, the back wall without the windows, because it backs on to a hallway, is in front of me and the utility room is to my right and behind me. Hank is to my left; Jules is in front of me. We’re in the ‘archway’ connecting the two and the entrance into both rooms is through the utility room, to my right and on the back wall. The door is half-open and sunlight is coming through the open door in the hallway, leading onto the street.
Hank receives a mobile phone call that interrupts our discussion/argument, which he answers, thinking it’s a girl he knows. He begins flirting with her while Jules and I smile and wish him luck, only half-sarcastically. He then looks worried, puts it on speaker and a zombie’s voice, chanting in a language I don’t understand comes out. It’s deep and hollow sounding, and I recognise it as a ‘hunter’, which has achieved sapience again and controls hordes of other zombies, and I realise (again, because I seem to be a little bit psychic) that it’s using the phone as a distraction while its horde searches for us (it seems we are the preferred targets of one for some reason, and it seems to have been after us before). I gesture emphatically, pointing at Jules, Hank, myself, the floor, then the door, meaning, “You, you, me, now, go!” They look confused, so I roll my eyes, and run through the doorway and they follow.
Through the door opening onto the street, I can see a runner sprinting out of another house, and I can hear more, but I’m already turning left to head up the stairs. The hallway is brighter, with a window down the far end letting in more sun. The stairway is on the same wall as the door onto the street, directly across from the door into the utility room. The walls, banister, handrail, windowsills, doors and doorframes are all white. The carpet is a gold/cream colour. We run up the stairs, which has a half landing with another window, and bends to the left, doubling back on itself.
We make it to the top floor, which is small and square, and has one room on each side, except the wall with the window, which is behind us, and an attic, the hatch of which is white and open upwards and to our right. I leap up to grab the frame one handed, pulling myself up enough to push it open with my other hand then drop back down. I jump up again, using both hands to pull myself up fully and reach down to take Jules’ hand, I haul her up one-armed, with ease and (oddly) realise that we’re all in our socks. I reach down for Hank, but there are noises below and Hank runs into the room to our right, which would be over the living room. I whisper-shout his name twice then close the hatch when he doesn’t respond.
Jules and I push open a window on the roof and climb out, both knowing Hank will be caught and that we need to leave him. We stay low on the tiles, crawl over to the edge, in the direction of the living room, and leap over to the separate garage, landing lightly. We don’t see anyone in the streets, but through a window in the ceiling, we can see that there are shadows moving in the garage and that we can’t get our truck.
We leap to a nearby tree, climbing down into someone else’s back garden, which is separated from ‘ours’ by a high, white wooden fence with triangular points at the top of each slat and run over to another tree. There’s no ladder up it, but we’re as good at climbing as we are at moving silently and easily make it into the large tree house that is out of reach of the zombies. It has a ‘loft’ section, which is really just a large shelf that we slide on to and wait until dark.
I climb out through a deliberate gap between the shelf and the roof in the wall and onto the roof. Jules slides out half way, I grab her arms and then she slides her legs out and I haul her up. We lie flat on the roof and decide to head for better shelter and transport. We decide that our truck, supplies etc. are lost to us because the zombies will be waiting for us to come back.
I wake up.
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Re: Weird Dream Thread

Post by Creyeditor »

Ànradh wrote: long living room
That's a good sign [:)]
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Re: Weird Dream Thread

Post by plathhs »

I remember some stuff from this morning:
I dreamt that I was both watching and participating in some kind of superhero movie (sequel ? ). There was this band of superheroes escaping from something horrendous (I presume), and they were doing it with style.
I remember in particular one scene where a guy wearing sunglasses (he looked a bit like Magnus Uggla) was sitting in the back seat of a cab that suddenly drove off the edge of a precipitous cliff a couple of thousand odd meters above the gorge bottom below. In free fall he slowly separated from the car seat, unattached by any seat belt, and the car went down before him. He then very elegantly managed to grab hold of an unknown object floating in mid-air (possibly the arm of another superhero), and was flewn to safety somewhere on the other side. It all felt very real.
Then there was a scene with a giant glowing meteorite lodged in a cliff wall, that was at the same time some kind of entrance to a cave (which I presume must have been the superheroes' headquarters).
But then instantly I was with my parents and sister in a hotel lobby overlooking a beautiful scenery with a huge lake, and I asked someone if it was one of the Great Lakes. They said "no, it's 'Lake Chicago'" (that would have been Lake Michigan if I'd "dreamt correctly" …), and I remember suddenly noticing that the pristine scenery was actually located in the middle of some suburb (of Chicago, naturally). My sister said something about impossible movie budgets, and then I went on passionately explaining to her the basic economy of corporate finance, making her so grumpy that she wouldn't even look back as she silently disappeared into the bustling city. I called my mother from a phone booth and said that my sister had vanished, and she sounded really worried, but I don't remember what she said, and then I woke up.

So, yeah … That was weird. (And I've never even been to the US …)
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Re: Weird Dream Thread

Post by Ànradh »

Creyeditor wrote:
Ànradh wrote: long living room
That's a good sign [:)]
lol! Never thought of that. :D
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Re: Weird Dream Thread

Post by Dormouse559 »

There was a narration at one point in this dream, and it said the story was from the movie “The Conjuring”. I haven’t seen it, though, nor do I know the plot. So consider this my dream version of “The Conjuring”. Not only does it include a ghost, it's also feature length. [xD]

I began the dream as myself, and by flapping wings on my arms, I was able to fly. I left my house to get breakfast at Wendy’s. It was nighttime outside. I landed at the shopping center, which was apparently raised on a large skyscraper-like platform. I realized that I was still in my pajamas and so hadn’t brought my wallet with me. I shortly left to get my wallet, though I was unsettled by a strange person who followed me around in the shopping center.

When I got back to my house, it was a giant, labyrinthine mansion. I would have to find my way to the bottom to get out (my wings were gone), and I wanted to stay ahead of the strange person, who was also at the top of the mansion.

I descended via a set of staircases that acted like a sort of spine for the house. In places, after reaching the end of one flight, I had to go out onto a balcony to get to the door that lead inside to the next flight. It was now a gray morning outside.

I finally reached the end of the staircases at the ground floor. The final door was small and difficult to open. Once I got in, I became a Victorian woman who had lived in the house over a century earlier. A man I trusted (father? husband? brother? no idea) was hurrying me along; we were fleeing the strange person.

We got into a secret room of the house. The room was tall, perhaps the height of the mansion itself, and mounted on two walls, all the way to the far-away ceiling, were cots made up with yellowing sheets.

The man and I climbed the cots, intending to leave through a door at the top of the room. As we climbed, a narration could be heard. I don’t remember exactly what it said, but it described mine and the man’s death. When we opened the door at the top the strange person was there. In fear, the man and I threw ourselves from the top bunk and fell for maybe 10 to 20 seconds. The narration continued as we fell, saying that we died upon hitting the ground.

I felt no pain and remained conscious, though there was blood on some sheets lying on the ground and the lower beds. I became yet another person, pretending to be the ghost of the woman. I would hide between the open door of the secret room and the wall, and when someone came in, I would scream and throw a bloodstained sheet at them. This played out a couple of times.

One day, two young women entered. For some reason, I let them pass at first. As I was beginning to make sounds to unnerve them, a ghost appeared. It was that of an imposing, dangerous-looking man, and I didn’t want it to come near me. But I continued my attempt at scaring the women.

Eventually, the women returned to the entrance of the secret room, and I screamed and jumped out to scare them. They didn’t seem frightened though, more confused or nonplussed. Then the ghost of the dangerous man approached. It had a deadly weapon of some sort that it was going to attack me with. If it had killed me, that death would have been more final than the Victorian woman's death.

Not wanting to die, I woke up.

I'm myself. I run from a strange person. I'm a Victorian woman. I run from the strange person and die. I'm someone pretending to be the Victorian woman. I almost die. I wake up.
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Re: Weird Dream Thread

Post by zee »

Dormouse559 wrote:I began the dream as myself, and by flapping wings on my arms, I was able to fly... etc

That dream should be a movie.
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Re: Weird Dream Thread

Post by Dormouse559 »

Fleur wrote: [O.O]

That dream should be a movie.
It'd be hard to keep track of. The main character is three different people. [:D]
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Re: Weird Dream Thread

Post by zee »

Dormouse559 wrote:
Fleur wrote: [O.O]

That dream should be a movie.
It'd be hard to keep track of. The main character is three different people. [:D]
Oh well.
Most movies are hard to keep track of.

At least this would be a good movie to be hard to keep to track of. [:D]
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Re: Weird Dream Thread

Post by Ear of the Sphinx »

Fleur wrote:
Dormouse559 wrote:
Fleur wrote: [O.O]

That dream should be a movie.
It'd be hard to keep track of. The main character is three different people. [:D]
Oh well.
Most movies are hard to keep track of.

At least this would be a good movie to be hard to keep to track of. [:D]
Nolan should be the director then.
Thrice the brinded cat hath mew'd.
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