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Re: Person, language, speaker, country

Posted: 13 Jan 2012 12:14
by DanH34


- Ingkeboz - English-folk-man (an Englishman living anywhere)
- Ingkebeshoz - English-folk-land-man (an Englishman living in England)
- Ingeshoz - English-land-man (a man living in England who may not be English)


- Ingkebzhail - English-folk-language (English)
- Ingkebeshshail - English-folk-land-language ('English English', Scotts English would be, for exaple 'Skotkebeshshail')
- Ingeshshail - English-land-language (any language spoken in England)


- Adds '-oz[a]' to the end of any of the language examples given above.


- Ingesh - English-land
- Ingkebesh - English-folk-land

Re: Person, language, speaker, country

Posted: 18 Jan 2012 15:03
by Chagla
- Cue - Person
- Oáhlce - (One Land Person)
- Inglisscue - English.person
- Nihonhsincue - Japanese.person

- Oánhe - One.speech
- Inglissihe - English.speech
- Nihonhngohe - Japanese.Language

- Oánhecue - One.speaker (One Speech Person)
- Inglissihecue - English.speaker
- Nihonhoassiacue - Japanese.speaker

- Oátlá - (The One Land)
- Inglènditlá - England.Land
- Nihonátlá - Japan.Land

Re: Person, language, speaker, country

Posted: 18 Jan 2012 23:40
by Chagen


Language: Kronvad
Speaker: Kronvadran


Person: Sun
Language: Sunago
Country: Sunago


Language: Pazmat
Country: Pazmat

Re: Person, language, speaker, country

Posted: 05 Feb 2012 21:25
by Khemehekis
Kankonik: Kankonian (language)
Kankonik: Kankonian person
Kankonisp: person of Kankonian ethnicity
Kankonor: Kankonian citizen, regardless of ethnicity
Kankonialiv: Kankonophone
Kankonia: Kankonia

Yay! 400 posts!

Re: Person, language, speaker, country

Posted: 05 Feb 2012 22:05
by CrazyEttin
:con: ci Kutaru, si Cinakutarutasatu, ci Kutaru, ci Nasacirupuci

Re: Person, language, speaker, country

Posted: 09 Feb 2012 06:32
by Prinsessa
Vanga language: vanna, vannás (archaic)
Vanga nation: vąijó
Vanga person: ván
to speak Vanga: vąivild

The ‹ą› represents /a~/ (nasal /a/) and the ‹nn› represents /N/ (velar nasal). The word ‹ván› is the one that has retained the original stem the most pure.

Vilja Vąijóha vánah vannji vąivildij.
Me, I'm a Vangan of the Vanga nation speaking Vanga by use of the Vanga tongue.

Of an Agglutinating language

Posted: 14 Feb 2012 19:27
by vampireshark
Because it'd be rather boring in Telèmor, how about some Ilian?
person: (this is complicated: use the wrong term and you risk severe bodily harm)
ethnic Ilian: iljómócĩmo [ˈɨ.ljɔː.mɔːˌʃɨ̃.mɔ]; iljómó [ˈɨ.ljɔː.mɔː] (colloquial)
gloss of long form: Ilia-GEN-person
Ilian citizen: iljóruoljutuhukcĩmo [ˈɨ.ljɔː.ɾɯˌɔ.ljɯ.tɯ.hɯkˌʃɨ̃.mɔ], iljóru [ˈɨ.ljɔː.ɾɯ] (colloquial) (Ilian citizen)
gloss of long form: Ilia-DAT/LOC-allegiance-with-person

language: yljámálymbé [ˈi.ljaː.maːˌlim.beː]
gloss: Ilia-GEN-language

speaker: iljómólimbúlhukcĩmo [ˈɨ.ljɔː.mɔːˌl̪ɨm.bɯːl.hɯkˌʃɨ̃.mɔ]
gloss: Ilia-GEN-language-DEF-with-person

country: Iljómócĩmoqõtdómjõ [ˈɨ.ljɔːmɔːˌʃɨ̃.mɔ.t͡ʃɔ̃tˌdɔː.mjɔ̃]; Yljá [ˈi.ljaː] (short form)
gloss: Ilia-GEN-person-BEN-IND.PL-country

Re: Person, language, speaker, country

Posted: 27 Feb 2012 17:23
by Selinki
:con: Selinki lynd - Selinki language:


Selinki lynd = (Lynd Seliae)
Selia-ADJ.NOM language-NOM = Language-NOM Selia-GEN.SG

Gicz Selinki lyndae = (Gicz lyndae Seliae)
Speak-NMLZ(agent_noun) Selia-ADJ.NOM language-GEN.SG = Speak-NMLZ(agent_noun) language-GEN.SG Selia-GEN.SG
Gle = say / speak / talk ...

Selia (Imaginary country that I had once. That's where the language came from...)

:est: Estonian
Person: Eestlane (estonia-ADJ.NMLZ = estonian-NMLZ)
Language: Eesti keel (Estonia-ADJ.GEN.SG language-NOM)
Speaker: Eestikeelne (estonian_language-ADJ)
Country: Eesti (estonia)

So, compare! [:)]
:fin: suomalainen, suomi (= Suomen kieli??), suomenkielinen, Suomi

Re: Person, language, speaker, country

Posted: 28 Dec 2015 12:57
by Omzinesý
Omzinesý wrote: :eng: Englishman, English, English speaker, England
Sår 'to work hard' They have a nationalistic stereotype that they work hard and the other peoples are lazy.
Soeira [sʷeiðɑ] their language
Soeiri [sʷeiði] 'speaker of Soeira' - a countable noun - animate class form of Soeira
Sårra [sʷɒð:ɑ] 'the country of hard workers'
Sheiosri [ʃeisʷɹi] 'a doughter of Sårra' - sh is a diminutive prefix an 2l.ei pattern with the diminutive means 'a female descendant'
Shauosri [ʃɑɯsʷɹi] 'a son of Sårra'
Aossri [ɑsʷ:ɹi] - pl. the people of Sårra
Uossri [ɯsʷ:ɹi] - paucal 'some people of Sårra'

Re: Person, language, speaker, country

Posted: 28 Dec 2015 14:09
by Sglod
Omzinesý wrote: :eng: Englishman, English, English speaker, England
:cym: Welsh
Cymro Welshman, Welsh speaker
Cymraeg Welsh language
Cymru Wales

Dw i'n Gymro o Gymru sy'n siarad Cymraeg.
be-1s-PRES 1s-PTCL Welshman from Wales be-REL-3s-PTCL speak Welsh
I am a Welshman from Wales who is speaking Welsh.

Re: Person, language, speaker, country

Posted: 28 Dec 2015 14:57
by Lao Kou
Image Géarthnuns:

Person: Géarthçins
Language: Géarthnuns
Speaker: Géarthnunalöths
Country: Géarthtörs (common name)/Géarthfrens (official name)

Re: Person, language, speaker, country

Posted: 28 Dec 2015 19:01
by Lambuzhao
:con: Rozwi

person: neiskanu
language: rosatōyç
speaker of (...) : oniskaiswutras, oniskaiswutryate
The Land of the (...): Huvrosat/Anaskva

In addition to the name of the language, rosatōyç literally means "Rozwihood" or "Fellowship of Rozwis", or "Rozwi Nation" (including the thousands of Rozwis who live beyond the national border).

Re: Person, language, speaker, country

Posted: 28 Dec 2015 19:13
by Lambuzhao
Sglod wrote:
Omzinesý wrote: :eng: Englishman, English, English speaker, England
:cym: Welsh
Cymro Welshman, Welsh speaker
Cymraeg Welsh language
Cymru Wales

Dw i'n Gymro o Gymru sy'n siarad Cymraeg.
be-1s-PRES 1s-PTCL Welshman from Wales be-REL-3s-PTCL speak Welsh
I am a Welshman from Wales who is speaking Welsh.

Wut about siaradwr Cymraeg for Welsh--speaker ?

Re: Person, language, speaker, country

Posted: 28 Dec 2015 19:46
by Sglod
Lambuzhao wrote:
Sglod wrote:
Omzinesý wrote: :eng: Englishman, English, English speaker, England
:cym: Welsh
Cymro Welshman, Welsh speaker
Cymraeg Welsh language
Cymru Wales

Dw i'n Gymro o Gymru sy'n siarad Cymraeg.
be-1s-PRES 1s-PTCL Welshman from Wales be-REL-3s-PTCL speak Welsh
I am a Welshman from Wales who is speaking Welsh.

Wut about siaradwr Cymraeg for Welsh--speaker ?
I'd use Cymro, but siaradwr'd work too.

Re: Person, language, speaker, country

Posted: 28 Dec 2015 19:51
by Ahzoh

Yat-Vṛḵažaẏku "Vrkhazhian"
ʾEšd Yat-Vrḵaž / Šadu Yat-Vṛḵažaẏku "Vrkhazhian language"
Šuddu Yat-Vṛḵažaẏku "Vrkhazhian speaker"
Yat-Vṛḵažu "Vrkhazh"

Re: Person, language, speaker, country

Posted: 30 Dec 2015 09:12
by Dormouse559
The French entry is just a little off. A French person is called "un(e) Français(e)" with a capital F, while the language is called "le français" with a lowercase F. This pattern holds true for any nationality/language pair.

Image Silvish
Person: (m) Sivécs / (f) Sivécza [sɪˈve sɪˈve.ɕa]
Language: sivécs [sɪˈve]
Speaker: lema-sivécza [ˈlɛː.ma sɪˈve.ɕa], silvofon [sɪ(l).vɔˈfõː]
Country: Siveia [sɪˈvɛː.ɪ̯a]

The word for a Silvish speaker (lema-sivécza) is ambiguous, especially when talking about a woman, because lema sivécza (Silvish language) is pronounced exactly the same. Context usually clears this up, because if I say that a woman is a lema-sivécza I probably don't mean that she is the Silvish language. Additionally, lema-sivécza (Silvish speaker) can be either masculine or feminine and doesn't decline for case or number; but lema sivécza (Silvish language) is only feminine and declines for both case and number.

Re: Person, language, speaker, country

Posted: 03 Jan 2016 16:39
by Creyeditor
:ind: Indonesian

orang indonesia, bahasa indonesia, orang indonesia/pembicara bahasa indonesia, indonesia
orang indonesia, bahasa indonesia, orang indonesia pem-bicara bahasa indonesia, indonesia
human indonesia, language indonesia, human indonesia NMLZ-speak language indonesia, indonesia

Ethnicity and nationality is usually defined by your native language(s), that's why you usually use 'orang indonesia' for the speaker and the person.

Re: Person, language, speaker, country

Posted: 12 Jan 2016 20:55
by Squall
:por: Português / Portuga, Português, Falante de Português / Lusófono, Portugal

:con: ---, Xioran, Tagaro dey Xioran, .--- (This language did not come from a concountry.)

Re: Person, language, speaker, country

Posted: 15 Jan 2016 18:29
by jute

Person, Language, speaker, country

Jutena / saini a Jute, tahivi a net / tahivi a Jute, tahiviomo a net / a Jute, Jute
Jute-people_of / person of Jute, language of coast / language of Jute, speaker of Coast / of Jute, Jute

Re: Person, language, speaker, country

Posted: 16 Jan 2017 11:30
by Imralu
:con: :png: Wena:

Wena is the first person exclusive pronoun and has come to be used as an endo- and exonym. Among the Wena people themselves, they may also use the inclusive form wana, especially in situations calling for Wena pride or solidarity.

  • ngo Wena
    human PL-1s
  • nenge Wena
    PASS-communicate PL-1s
  • (ngo) nge Wena
    (human) communicate PL-1s
The word ngo is added to make the gnomic aspect clear (someone who speaks Wena generally, as opposed to at a perticular time), which is otherwise unspecified.

Country ... in terms of area, like "this is bat country":
  • bu Wena
    land PL-1s
    "Wena land, Wena territory, Wena country"
Country, as in nation:
  • Babwa Nyugini

    Papua New Guinea

    ... both usually pronounced as babwanyu gini and bi ye ndyi, the latter of which happens to mean something that stops, which is scary/a monster.