Conlanger stereotype poll

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Conlanger stereotype poll

Post by Khemehekis »

Are you the ultimate conlanger stereotype? Who's the most archetypal conlanger here? And what IS the actual profile of a typical conlanger, anyway? Let us find out!

1. Gender (cisfemale, cismale, transfemale, transmale, bigendered AMAB, bigendered AFAB, agendered AMAB, agendered AFAB, or whatever)
2. Sexual orientation (straight, gay, lesbian, bisexual, asexual, androsexual transgender, gynecosexual transgender, etc.)
3. Handedness
4. Nationality. Also, if you're American, what state? If you're Canadian, what province? And if you're British, are you from England, Wales, Scotland, North Ireland, or the Crown Dependencies?
5. Ethnicity you primarily identify with (Polish, Italian, WASP, Greek, Latvian, Lithuanian, Jewish, Lebanese, Arab, Persian, Indian, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, Hmong, Filipino, Indonesian, Hawaiian, Samoan, Spaniard, Mexican, Argentine, Portuguese, Brazilian, African-American, Czech, Jamaican, Yoruba, Finnish, Cajun, half Filipino and half Puerto Rican, etc.)
6. Neurotype (neurotypical, autistic, Aspie, ADD, OCD, Tourette's, bipolar, schizophrenic, borderline, synaesthetic, hyperthymestic, PTSD, ADD and Asperger's, bipolar and synaesthetic, etc.)
7. Health conditions and physical disabilities (asthma, diabetes, allergies, blindness, hearing impairment, spina bifida, epilepsy, etc.)
8. Do you wear glasses?
9. Facial hair
10. Body type (underweight, average, overweight, obese, Jigglypuff, muscular, or whatnot)
11. Subculture (preppy, jock, redneck, nerd, geek, prep, trendy, slacker/grunge, hip-hop, skater, hippie, beatnik, emo, goth, hipster, metalhead, raver, surfer, freak/outcast, loner, seapunk, VSCO girl, sadboi, etc.)
12. Species/breed of pets
13. Religion (Roman Catholic, Presbyterian, Episcopalian, Mormon, Jewish, Islamic, Buddhist, Hindu, Baha'i, Scientologist, Asatru, ECKANKAR, Hare Krishna, Shinto, Rastafarian, LaVeyan, Wiccan, deist, atheist, agnostic, ignostic, etc.)
Last edited by Khemehekis on 06 Oct 2020 05:14, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Conlanger stereotype poll

Post by Khemehekis »

1. Gender: Cismale
2. Sexual orientation: Bisexual
3. Handedness: Cross-handed, although I always write with my right hand. My sister once tested her family members on ten tasks for her science class to find out whether we were right-dominant or left-dominant. I was right-dominant on five tasks and left-dominant on five tasks. Her other three nuclear family members were right-dominant on all ten.
4. Nationality: American. California.
5. Ethnicity you primarily identify with: Jewish
6. Neurotype: OCD, synaesthetic, depression, and probably prosopagnosia
7. Health conditions and physical disabilities: I've got blocked sinuses, rendering me anosmic
8. Do you wear glasses? The vision in my right eye is crap, but I don't wear glasses. I wouldn't be able to wear my beatnik sunglasses! [B)]
9. Facial hair: Beard. I sometimes get asked if I'm Mormon because of the way my beard looks.
10. Body type: Underweight
11. Subculture: Beatnik
12. Species/breed of pets: We have a mix of aquarium fish in my home, but none are mine personally. My mother was allergic to cat fur when we were growing up, so no cats then, but we did have rodents like guinea pigs and hamsters.
13. Religion: Deist
Last edited by Khemehekis on 08 May 2022 02:25, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Conlanger stereotype poll

Post by Ahzoh »

1. cis male
2. straight
3. ambidextrous (some tools)
4. Canadian, Ontarian
5. European, I guess
6. Asperger's
7. none
8. no
9. depends on how I'm feeling
10. maybe slightly fat in the belly
11. metalhead nerd
12. cat person
12. atheist/no religion
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Re: Conlanger stereotype poll

Post by Imralu »

1. cismale
2. gay
3. right-handed
4. Australian, Irish
5. white ... ginger
6. depression
7. scoliosis
8. no glasses but I am short sighted
9. full beard
10. average body-type
11. no subculture
12. no pets
13. no religion (atheist)
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Re: Conlanger stereotype poll

Post by eldin raigmore »

1. Gender, cismale
Edit: maybe I should follow opipik’s example.
Following opipik’s example, maybe I should say:
Gender (grammatical): roundish, squishy, and animate.
Gender (psychosocial): In lieu of “cis”, maybe I should say: “I am both certain of my sex, and happy with it.”
Sex (biological): Male
2. Sexual orientation straight
3. Handedness dexter
4. Nationality. U.S.American, born in Arkansas, raised in Texas, now in Michigan since 1995.
5. Ethnicity you primarily identify with, mixed
6. Neurotype Asperger's, unipolar, ADD/ADHD, and whatever the opposite of hyperthymestic is (I can’t remember the last time I forgot something)
7. Health conditions and physical disabilities asthma, diabetes, allergies, hearing impairment
8. Do you wear glasses yes. In fact I wear multi-focals (more than bifocals)
9. Facial hair varies. Since CoViD, mostly bearded and moustachioed.
10. Body type obese
11. Subculture too old to be any of the things you mentioned, but I like MENSA meetings, and at classes for programmers-in-general I still felt my usual social anxiety, but at meetings for just systems programmers I was totally relaxed. Also I was a doctoral student in mathematics, which I’m pretty sure we all felt was more defining than sexual orientation.
12. Species/breed of pets mostly dogs, many cats, a few hamsters and gerbils and rabbits.
13. Religion evangelical atheist
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Re: Conlanger stereotype poll

Post by this_is_an_account »

1. Gender: Cismale
2. Sexual Orientation: Straight
3. Handedness: Right
4. Nationality: American, Washington State
5. Ethnicity: Somali
6. Neurotype: Normal (I think)
7. Health Conditions: Asthma
8. Glasses: Yes
9. Facial Hair: A bit of a goatee
10. Body type: Under weight
11. Subculture: Nerd
12. Pet: None
13. Religion: Islam
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Re: Conlanger stereotype poll

Post by opipik »

1. Gender: Honestly, I don't know. I don't even care about it nor have any time to think about it.
1.5: Sex: Male
2. Sexual orientation: Straight.
3. Handedness: Left
4. Nationality: Czech
5. Ethnicity: same as nationality
6. Neurotype: neurotypical.
7. Health conditions and physical disabilities: None, but see 8.
8. Do you wear glasses? I have myopia, so yes, I do.
9. Facial hair: None, because I shave.
10. Body type: Average.
11. Subculture: None, I guess?
12. Species/breed of pets: Cat.
13. Religion: I'm irreligious.
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Re: Conlanger stereotype poll

Post by gestaltist »

1. Gender - male. Hate the word "cis" and refuse to use it.
2. Sexual orientation - straight
3. Handedness - ambidextrous
4. Nationality - Polish
5. Ethnicity - Polish
6. Neurotype - neurotypical
7. Health conditions and physical disabilities - allergies and tinnitus I guess
8. Do you wear glasses? - yes
9. Facial hair - my wife won't let me shave
10. Body type - "skinny fat"
11. Subculture - too old for this bullshit
12. Species/breed of pets - none
13. Religion - Catholic-turned-agnostic
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Re: Conlanger stereotype poll

Post by Khemehekis »

this_is_an_account: Awesome! I believe you're the first Somali-American conlanger I've met!

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Re: Conlanger stereotype poll

Post by alynnidalar »

I fit very few of the stereotypes, unfortunately.

1. cis female
2. straight
3. right-handed
4. American; Michigan
5. white, or if you're feeling snarky, European mutt
6. broadly neurotypical? I flirt with seasonal depression in winter but it hasn't been bad for several years
7. mild seasonal allergies
8. I am very near-sighted, which I assume is the underlying question here, but typically wear contacts. I cannot go about ordinary life without corrective lenses.
9. nope
10. average, but my build is such that people tend to think I weigh less than I do
11. loner nerd I guess?? with gamer metalhead tendencies
12. one delightfully soft cat of unknown ancestry
13. nondenominational Protestant Christian, specifics available upon request
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Re: Conlanger stereotype poll

Post by All4Ɇn »

1. Male
2. Gay
3. Mostly right hand but do some stuff with my left hand so partially ambidextrous
4. American (Floridian)
5. General American
6. Have aspergers
7. Asthma, allergies, severe food problems (potentially coeliac amongst other things), family history of lupus
8. I'm supposed to and do own a pair but rarely wear them outside of driving
9. Can't stand it
10. Depends on the moment. Currently a bit overweight
11. Not really any
12. One mixed breed dog
13. Agnostic but leans Christian
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Re: Conlanger stereotype poll

Post by Jackk »

1 cismale
2 gay
3 right-handed
4 British - England
5 White British
6 neurotypical
7 none
8 I wear glasses
9 Clean-shaven
10 somewhat overweight
11 vaguely nerdish stuff - spec-fic, maths, music
12 Dog - border terrier
13 No religion
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Re: Conlanger stereotype poll

Post by SLiV »

1. Male
2. Gay
3. Right-handed
4. Dutch
5. Dutch
6. Neurotypical
7. No health conditions
8. Slightly short-sighted, but only wear glasses while driving or watching movies
9. No facial hair
10. Tall and thin
11. Math nerd / Programmer / Loner
12. Used to have cats
13. Atheist
Last edited by SLiV on 01 Sep 2018 19:56, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Conlanger stereotype poll

Post by Lambuzhao »

1. cismale
2. hetero
3. Right-handedness (writing, pitching, using scissors, cultery), though I play racquet sports with my left (quasi-ambidextrous?)
4. Of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania :us-pa: , estadounidense.
5. Ukrainian/Slovak some days, Scottish others, some other days Peruvian (por casamiento) [:P]
6. Neurotype - I have no idea if I am any of those; mebbe (?)
7. Myopia, Diebeetus Type 1
8. wear glasses [tick]
9. Facial hair - goatee [tick]
10. Rather slim to skinny most of my life. The last 10-15 yrs, I've gained some thickness, but losing weight, thank Jeebus!
11. Early 1970s - Early 1990s ( ¿slacker? ¿Gen X? ); based on what I gather from most other folks on the forum, my Subculture is
'Elders'. :roll:
Edit: I'm in gestaltist's subculture [:3]
12. Cats ( [<3] ), Canines ( [¬.¬] ) ;
Edit: have also had a range of experiences with various reptiles, amphibians, fish, lagomorphs, hamsters, guinea piggies, and crustaceans (Hermies, Triops, Isopods, etc.).
13. [:|] Christian; don't like talking super-specifics about soccer, politics or relig (but you can PM me if you absolutely must know)
Edit: I'm a big big fan of the Auncient Greek Gwoads!
Last edited by Lambuzhao on 06 Sep 2018 10:24, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Conlanger stereotype poll

Post by Lao Kou »

1. cismale
2. gay
3. right-handed
4. American -- originally from Massachusetts, but I think I'd identify more as a "New Englander"
5. father's side: Austro-Hungarian; mother's side: WASP -- we didn't have a whole lot of ethnic cooking or other stuff going on, though I've told elsewhere here tales of Tantí, the Hungarian gypsy witch
6. nothing I'm aware of
7. nothing I'm aware of
8. I now wear reading glasses, which, since I spend a good deal of my days reading -- either at the computer, or in a book, or in a foreign language dictionary -- means they're at the end of my nose a lot of the time. If you need to read a road sign 3 km down the street, however, I can read that for you without glasses.
9. tried twice, ghastly results -- never again
10. pleasantly plump
11. I've lived most of adult life overseas, so I guess the subculture is "expat"
12. nothing now, but have been accompanied by wonderful dogs and cats in the past
13. I guess I'll run with "agnostic", but philosophical Taoism has been quite influential
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Re: Conlanger stereotype poll

Post by KaiTheHomoSapien »

Wow, there really are a lot of LGBT conlangers (I'm no exception) [:D] I had a feeling that would be the case, but I don't know why. Anyway, this is awfully personal, but I'll answer:

1. Cis-male
2. Bisexual
3. Right-handed
4. American (Californian)
5. French/German
6. OCD/Aspberger's (mild in both cases)
7. Nothing significant
8. No glasses
9. No facial hair (not even if I tried! [xD] )
10. Thin/tall
11. Nerd is the biggest factor. I'm also a bit of weeaboo. I'm a classical music fan/vinyl enthusiast, I tend to dress preppy, but I love those hipster skinny jeans. My best friend is basically a jock. I'm all over the place.
12. I have kitty cats.
13. Non-religious theist/universalist
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Re: Conlanger stereotype poll

Post by eldin raigmore »

Khemehekis wrote: 31 Aug 2018 16:42 this_is_an_account: Awesome! I believe you're the first Somali-American conlanger I've met!
What he said!
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Re: Conlanger stereotype poll

Post by Shemtov »

1. Gender cismale
2. Sexual orientation straight
3. Handedness Right
4. Nationality. American. Live in NY, but native of PA
5. Ethnicity, Jewish. Depending on my mood, I might specify Ukrainian Jewish. Though Legally I'm Hispanic
6. Neurotype OCD, HFA, Nicotine-Dependence
7. Health conditions and physical disabilities: Diabetes, Balance Disabled
8. Do you wear glasses? Yes.
9. Facial hair. Yes. Never Shaved.
10. Body type Obese
11. Subculture Nerdy-Loner
12. Species/breed of pets None
13. Religion: Orthodox Jewish
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Re: Conlanger stereotype poll

Post by sangi39 »

1. Gender: Cismale
2. Sexual orientation: Bisexual
3. Handedness: Right-handed
4. Nationality: British (from England, North Yorkshire more specifically)
5. Ethnicity you primarily identify with: White British
6. Neurotype: Somewhere on the Aspergers thing, diagnosed with depression and anxiety
7. Health conditions and physical disabilities: None, just waiting for my knees to dislocate so I can be just like the rest of my family
8. Do you wear glasses? I do, short-sighted
9. Facial hair: All of it
10. Body type: Overweight, but I like food and hate... doing things
11. Subculture: Nerd and metalhead
12. Species/breed of pets: 3 Bearded Dragons, 1 Leopard Gecko, 1 Royal Python
13. Religion: Non-religious atheist
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Re: Conlanger stereotype poll

Post by Khemehekis »

Lambuzhao wrote: 01 Sep 2018 13:54 3. Right-handedness (writing, pitching, using scissors, cultery), though I play racquet sports with my left (quasi-ambidextrous?)
So you're saying you're cross-handed?

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